Tag Archives: abbot house

Creative Partner: Abbot House, Dunfermline Heritage Trust

Abbot House, Dunfermline Heritage Trust


Contact: Devon McHugh

Our school packets engage actively with the Curriculum for Excellence, while our activities for young people and families offer interactive opportunities for exploring the past and developing creativity in the present.

Learning at Abbot House endeavours to offer a wide range of activities and educational experiences to school and family groups of all ages, integrating a holistic approach to learning about the past. This includes the study of the formation of Scotland as a nation state, examinations of the role of international literature, art, and drama within medieval and renaissance Scottish society, and explorations of the worlds of early modern science, mathematics, and health. The physical location of Abbot House in the shadow of Dunfermline abbey offers an unparalleled location for the study of the influence of early Christianity and the development of Protestantism on Scottish society, while the links forged by the community as a pilgrimage destination offers a dynamic perspective on Scotland’s role within the wider European community in the middle ages.
Possible CfE Expressive Arts Links