Category Archives: resources

Into Film in Fife

Into Film is a new film education charity, bringing together FILMCLUB and First Light, gives 5-19 year olds a chance to experience film and the moving image creatively and critically, as well as learning about the film industry and careers within it. In or out of school Into Film cultivates their interest, and provide teachers and youth leaders with the tools and training to support engagement at all levels.

The film education programme includes learning resources, CPD and training, film clubs, filmmaking film festivals, industry interactions, youth engagement and more. For information or to register for updates visit or if you’re interested in starting a film club to watch, make and understand films register at

Libraries Spring Book Sale – 27th FEB ASDARC

Below is a poster giving details of the Spring Book Sale for Schools taking place in ASDARC on Thursday 27th February.  All welcome!

The books (all ex children’s public library stock) are priced at only 50p each and many are in almost new condition.  We also have some sets available suitable as class readers.  This sale covers all primary stages from nursery to P7 and offers both stories and information books.

If no one from your school is visiting ASDARC that day then call Maggie Gray (contact info below) with your requirements and we can select a box for you.

Hope your school can benefit from these amazing bargains.

Spring school Booksale Poster

Maggie Gray
Young People’s Services Co-ordinator
ON with Fife Cultural Trust
FCT Headquarters
16 East Fergus place

Direct tel: 03451 555 555 ext 442022

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Book & Film Events‏

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas book and film events, will run on 19th March (Carnegie Hall), 20th March (Regent Cinema) and 25th March (Adam Smith Theatre).

As always there are class sets of the books available for loan, on a first come first served basis, and there will be a short sharing session after the film to encourage children to think about and discuss the impact the film/book has had on them.

Ticket prices are still £2.50 per seat, or £5.00 including coach travel.

There are a limited number of seedcorn grants available to fund transport (schools who successfully claim seedcorn funding or organise their own transport pay £2.50 per seat; schools who are unsuccessful in claiming seedcorn funding and still wish me to arrange their transport pay £5.00 per seat).

All relevant forms are below,  and should be returned directly to:

Jennifer Yardley
Administration Assistant
ON with Fife Cultural Trust Head Office
16 East Fergus Place
Direct tel: 03451 555 555 ext 472791

Please note that invoices for these events will be sent in the new financial year.

Any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

BOY Event Flyer

BOY Film Booking Form 2014



Commonwealth Poetry FREE book give away

February is here so we’re sharing the love by giving away a copy of Poems United, edited by Diana Hendry and Hamish Whyte. The anthology contains poems from Commonwealth countries around the world and is great for use in primary and S1/S2 classes. To be in with a chance to win, all you need to do is follow Making Makars. New followers between now and 14th February will be entered into a prize draw. And did we mention that it’s all completely free? Good luck!

Investigating Medieval Abbey Life object handling box

Schools in Fife can access a new resource that helps bring the past to life!  Medieval Abbey Life object boxes are available at Dunfermline Abbey, St Andrews Cathedral and Inchcolm Abbey and are free for any educational group to use on site as part of a visit and sessions can be facilitated depending on staff availability.  Guidance notes are available in the boxes and on the Historic Scotland website to enable group leaders to familiarise themselves with what’s in the boxes.  Boxes should be booked directly with the relevant site.  For further information search the schools activity programme –

Resource Calendar (February 2014)

The events in this calendar are celebrations, awareness days and action weeks all covering topical issues relevant to schools. Each of the events includes details of websites and support materials to help plan activities for learners.
The February events include:
  • National Storytelling Week – 1-8 February
  • UNICEF Day for Change – 7 February
  • Red Hand Day – 12 February
  • St Valentine’s Day – 14 February
  • International Childhood Cancer Day – 15 February
  • World Day of Social Justice – 20 February
  • Fairtrade Fortnight – 24 February – 9 March

Click here for the calendar.

EXTRA WEEK FOR SUBMITTING – My Place Photography Competition

*NEW* Deadline Friday 7 February 2014 *NEW*

Due to our new website launch we have extended the deadline for submitting images by one week. Sign up now to take part in a national  competition that encourages your pupils to get out doors, get involved in the subjects of architecture, placemaking, civic pride and photography.

·         Every image submitted will be displayed on our online gallery and exhibited in our exhibition at The Lighthouse, Glasgow, from March to May 2014.

·         Winning entries are published in the International Photographic Experience catalogue, shared across Europe.

·         Winners will receive a camera for themselves and one for their school.

The Scottish Civic Trust’s My Place Photography Competition is a Scotland-wide heritage photographic project for schools.

It encourages children to look at their built heritage in the places they live, and through the medium of photography, develop an understanding of the things around them.

To take part:

Register as a member – sign up FREE HERE

Submit your students images – click HERE for guidance

For more information on the competition background click HERE

Free Science resource for Primary Schools – TigTag

Education Scotland is delighted to announce that schools can now access Tigtag – an award-winning, online science resource for primary schools, free of charge through Glow.

They have agreed 12 month national education licence with Twig World which allows Scottish schools to have unlimited access to this great resource.

Schools across the country are currently using Twig on Glow to access almost 1500 top quality short films. Tigtag provides a superb addition to this resource, and provides valuable support to primary practitioners to assist in the effective teaching of the Sciences Experiences and Outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence.

It provides access to:

• background information, relating to the key concepts identified in the science organisers, and quality films to support and enhance teaching and learning in the sciences.

• planning resources, investigation sheets, practical challenges and succinct clear lesson plans, providing a range of contexts for learning which draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.

• interactive lesson packages to help stimulate the interest and motivation of all learners and support staff in planning challenging, engaging and enjoyable learning and teaching activities.

• a “What Happens Next?” and “Scientific Enquiry” section to encourage learners to engage in dialogue, developing their investigative and inquiry skills.

Log on via Glow (Glow password required) and explore the world of Tigtag on Glow with your learners.

My Place Photography Competition and new website

Happy New Year! Happy new website!

The Scottish Civic Trust enters 2014 with a fresh new look on our with a dedicated area for the My Place Photography Competition click HERE to view now.

The My Place Photography microsite has lots of new features for all of your My Place Photography Competition entries.

There is a new member’s area for schools and teachers with a multiple image upload facility that automatically resizes your photographs, so no need to crop or cut before you submit.

Click HERE to register as a new member

Our resources section has lots of hints tips and help sheets on how to use the site and on how take make great photography.

Click HERE to view our competition resources

My Place Photography Competition is open to all school age children in Scotland; it is FREE to take part in and is a great way of getting out and about with young people, getting into your local cities, towns and villages and exploring your very own built environments through photography.

Click HERE for more information on the My Place Photography Competition

The competition closes on Friday 31 January so make sure to register and upload images as soon as they are ready.
Happy snapping from all at Scottish Civic Trust

Holocaust Learning Events‏

This year Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 will be commemorated in Scotland on Monday 27th January and Glow is pleased to be able to bring teachers and learners across the country a number of unique and innovative opportunities to discover and share more about this important period in history.

Holocaust Learning Experience Launching on Monday 20th January

The Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) ‘Journeys’ Learning Experience is a collaborative space to share what your school is doing for HMD 2014 and take part in learner activities.

We will be providing interactive opportunities for learners across the country to participate in events and learn more about the Holocaust via the new Glow environment.

The learning experience is aimed at upper primary and secondary learners and will include a number of learning starters and a Holocaust discussion newsfeed to share what your schools are doing to commemorate the event. Videos and audio content and a number of learner challenges will be available to help you learn more about the history of the times surrounding these events.

To help support practitioners, curriculum documents will be provided with the learning experience.

Visit the Learning Experience today.

Live Glow Meet with Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning on Wednesday 22nd January

Minister for Education Mike Russell recently visited Auschwitz with pupils from various schools and during this Glow TV event you will have the opportunity to hear about his experience.

Viewers will also hear from pupils at Broughton High School who also visited Auschwitz last year.

There will be an opportunity to ask them your own questions during the event and learn more about their experiences when they were there.

For more information and to get involved, visit Glow TV.

What is the Holocaust? on Monday 27th January

The Holocaust was a very important period in history and every year it is commemorated in January through the Holocaust Memorial Day.

In this Glow TV event find out when these events took place, what actually happened and who was involved.

In addition we will also look at how similar events have taken place since then throughout history and how it has affected the survivors.

National Event Scotland on Monday 27th January

The Scottish National Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 event will be broadcast live across Scotland through Glow.

The MacRobert Centre in Stirling will welcome Holocaust survivor Alfred Munzer and Cambodian genocide survivor Arn Chorn Pond.

The event starts at 6.30pm and the 2 hour programme will be filled with performances carried out by the Roma community and Rwandan community to make this a memorable and moving event.

Information on how to take part can be found on Glow TV. If this time isn’t suitable, you will have the opportunity to Watch Again.

Meeting a Survivor on Tuesday 28th January

As part of HMD 2014, survivors of the Holocaust and genocide are visiting schools in Scotland.

On 28th January Holocaust survivor Albert Munzer will be visiting the Glasgow Gaelic School and Glow TV will be there to broadcast the event to schools across Scotland.

Join us to hear Albert’s experiences and ask him questions about his life.

HMD 2014 Glasgow Event Live from the City Chambers on Wednesday 29th January

Glasgow City Chambers will once again host this live event through Glow for schools across Scotland.  This special broadcast, taking place from 10am, is run by young people for young people and the event is handed entirely over to pupils to develop the programme and broadcast the event.

Find out more in the Glow TV events schedule.

Arts Response Challenge with Cambodian Genocide Survivor on Thursday 30th January

There will be opportunities to join with pupils around Scotland in several national HMD 2014 events including an arts response challenge with Cambodian genocide survivor, flautist and human rights activist Arn Chorn Pond.

On the day, schools from around Scotland will share their response to the theme of HMD 2014 – Journeys in the form of music, drama, poetry and more.

For more information on this event on Glow TV.

Although these events are all broadcast live, they’re also recorded and you will have the opportunity to Watch Again.
Education Scotland has developed a range of other resources on the Holocaust to help support practitioners.

Kindertransport: escaping the holocaust resource, suitable for the broad general education and senior phase, explores the significance of the children’s transport during the Holocaust. The resource includes images, downloadable materials, video stories interviews and more.