Category Archives: Primary schools

BBC Songs of Praise launches its next School Choir of the Year Competition – which gets more exciting every year!

The BBC is looking for the best Junior and Senior School Choirs in the land!  Each school entering the competition should submit a CD of their choir singing one Christian hymn or worship song, from any published hymnbook, and one other choice that is inspired by or based upon the Christian faith.  The best choirs will compete against each other in three special editions of Songs of Praise (two semi-finals and a final), which will be recorded in Liverpool on 9 and 10 March 2013 and broadcast on BBC One next Spring.

So if you think your school choir has got what it takes, check out the BBC website at, where you can find out all about the competition, watch this year’s finalists to see what your choir should be aiming for and download an application form with all of the rules, terms and conditions.  The deadline is not until 30 November, but now is the time to plan to take part so that your choir doesn’t miss the chance to be crowned champions!

New – Games context on STEM Central

Visit  Games Context for learning on STEM Central.

In the Games Development Second Level Learning Journey learners are offered stimulating experiences and the opportunity to develop their understanding not only of the history of gaming in Scotland, but will also encourage them to explore technological developments in society, and ultimately how to design, create and market their own game.

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the image

BeXcellent website

A new website which will bring Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) to life for young people has been launched by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament, in partnership with the Scottish Government.


is the first CfE resource created specifically for children and young people, and offers an easy-to-understand approach to the new curriculum and the personalised, creative learning it promotes. The site was developed in consultation with groups of children and young people and features a simple guide to the new curriculum as well as activities designed to stimulate independent learning and new ways of thinking.

There is also a competition on the website which is open to anyone living in Scotland who is 18 years or under.

Discover Aberdour Castle!

Visit Aberdour Castle as part of your class project and book a session with the Monument Manager.  Each session includes a tour of the castle and an interactive activity.  NEW for 2012! Try your hand at 16th century dance complete with lords and ladies costume.

Suitable for P1-P7

Tuesdays only

Duration 90 minutes

Maximum number 33 pupils


Contact Aberdour Castle to book a session on 01383 860 519


Have you used Glow Science yet?

Glow Science includes over 650 short films that hundreds of teachers are using to enrich and support their teaching in the sciences and technologies. Tailored to Curriculum for Excellence – and tagged to levels 2, 3 and 4 – the films provide teachers with accurate and engaging visuals for the teaching of science, technology and health and wellbeing.

All resources are free with your Glow log-in.

Marks on the Landscape – last chance to enter the design challenge!

Have you entered Education Scotland’s exciting design challenge?  You still have time! The design challenge is being run through the Marks on the Landscape website within the learning context of the land regeneration project Fife Earth. The challenge is aimed at those working within second, third and fourth curriculum levels.

The competition closing date is 21 June 2012.