Category Archives: Opportunities

Junior Saltire Prize 2013

To help to raise awareness amongst young people of the exciting developments and opportunities of marine renewables in Scotland for the third successive year the Junior Saltire Award for primary and secondary school pupils is being organised.  The competition is managed by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in partnership with the Scottish Government and SCDI’s Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland.

 This award is open to all primary P5-P7 and secondary S1-S3 and S4-S6 pupils in Scotland. Working in teams of up to four, pupils will design and build a model marine energy device to operate under test conditions. Schools can submit multiple entries provided each is registered separately.

Deadline for registration: 21 December 2012.

Download a registration form.

Register now for the Climate Week challenge

Register for the Climate Week Challenge – a fun, free and easy-to-organise event to enable your school to take part in Climate Week 2013. Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign.

During the week of 4-10 March 2013, thousands of events and activities planned by organisations from every part of society will showcase real, practical ways to combat climate change.

The Climate Week Challenge can be held on any day during Climate Week. There are two versions of the Climate Week Challenge to choose from – one-hour and one-day – and the one-day version is judged nationally by a panel of judges.

Learners of any age are challenged to come up with creative solutions to climate change. The activity helps develop creativity, innovation and enterprise, team-working skills and experience of tackling real-life environmental issues to a deadline.

There are eight age categories, with different levels of sophistication expected, but everyone – from primary pupils to senior managers – will be given the same core task.

  • It is completely FREE.
  • Any school or organisation can take part.
  • Any number of teams can be entered.
  • No preparation is needed.
  • The Challenge will be revealed to teachers a week beforehand.
  • All that a team needs is a table to work at with pens and paper.

Opportunity for young people to create their own Social Enterprise – 11-16 year olds

Live UnLtd, InspirEngage International and Xing Education launched Create Your Career, offering 11–16 year-olds across the UK the opportunity to start their own social enterprise. Successful applicants receive up to £500 kick-start funding, a free place at an InspirEngage Skills Bootcamp and access to support. The deadline for applications is 10 December

Click here for details

BP Portrait Award: Next Generation – NGS free workshops for 14–19 year olds

The BP Portrait Award showcases the very best in contemporary portrait painting from around the world. BP Portrait Award: Next Generation opens up free opportunities for 14–19 year olds to creatively engage with portraiture.

The National Galleries of Scotland are hosting the BP Portrait Award: Next Generation at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery this winter. They are offering four, short taster sessions where young people can experiment with drawing techniques and two, two-day Winter Schools where young people can experience a more intense approach to drawing and painting, coached by past BP Portrait Award-winning artists.

These are free and open to young people from all over Scotland. A small number of travel bursaries are available to young people on application.

For more information or to book a place, please email Joanna Mawdsley, Schools Education Officer.

Medieval Construction Science Show comes to St Andrews!

Historic Scotland are bringing their Medieval science show to St Andrews Cathedral, Fife. 

This interactive show aimed at P4-S1 pupils follows the journey of a block of stone from a quarry to its place at the top of an arch, exploring the science behind medieval buildings as it goes and covering topics such as friction, gravity, pulleys, levers and arches.

We have the following slots available on a first come first served basis (shows last 50 minutes):

Tues 6th November – 1.00 pm

Thurs 8th November – 10.30 am

Mon 12th November – 1.00 pm

Tues 13th November – 10.30 am

Thu 15th November – 1.00 pm

Shows are £1.50 per pupil and travel subsidies of 75% are available to help with transport costs

To book or for further details contact Fiona Davidson, Central Region Learning Development Officer on 01738 828 268 or

Scottish Opera Connect – Call for Auditions!

Connect is made up of two strands, Connect Chorus and Connect Orchestra, and is a truly unique programme which gives aspiring young singers and musicians the chance to develop their knowledge, technique and skill with the help of Scotland’s top opera professionals. Plus, next year’s Connect members will also have the chance to be involved in the international project for the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games cultural programme, so there’s never been a better time to sign up.
The 2013/14 programme runs from September 2013 to April 2014. Entrance is based on an application and audition process.

The deadline to apply is Monday 3 December 2012 with auditions in January 2013.

Full details of the Connect programme can be found here

My Place Photography Competition

The My Place Photography Competition is a built environment photographic project run by the Scottish Civic Trust for primary and secondary school-aged children throughout Scotland.  It aims to provide young people with the opportunity to express their thoughts, experiences and perspectives on the heritage, buildings and archaeology around them.

Click here for more information

What does remembrance mean?

This year Poppyscotland has teamed up with Glow TV to bring you a series of events about remembrance. 

This is the first of this thought provoking series. During this Glow Meet you will get the chance to hear from and chat with St Brigid’s Primary school as they talk about their experience of entering and winning Moving Stories 2011 and how you can enter the competition this year! Other Glow TV events on Remembrance will take place on 8 November and 22 November

For full details of this event, please log in to Glow and view the current schedule (Glow log-in and password required).

We-CTV, the Scottish Youth Parliament’s anti-knife crime project

Download the entry pack here

The deadline for entry to We-CTV, the Scottish Youth Parliament’s anti-knife crime project, has been extended until Monday 5th November 2012 – there’s now just a week to get your entries in!

All the young people you work with have to do in the next week is spend an hour or so putting together a storyboard and completing the entry form – in return you get to help them to engage with the issue of knife crime and enter a national competition, with the chance to win top notch prizes. 

If you are intending to participate, it’d be great to hear back from you to help us to work out how many entries we’re likely to have – give us a call (0131 557 0452) or send an email to to let us know.

This is a great opportunity to engage with knife crime in a quick, fun way.  The project is supported by the Scottish Government’s No Knives, Better Lives initiative – find out more information and download everything you’ll need to enter at