Category Archives: Opportunities

Glow Refresher Training Session

Date:  Thursday 28th February 2013

Time:  2pm-5pm

Venue:  Meeting Room (Tower Block), Auchterderran Centre, Woodend Road, Cardenden KY5 0NE


2-3pm  Glow Access Problems (Jim Birney) – If you are experiencing access problems to Glow, Jim has offered to help resolve these access issues prior to the Glow Refresher Training.

3-4pm  Glow Refresher Training (Jim Birney)

4-5pm  FCLN Glow Group/Blog Refresher (Amanda Higgins)

How to book a place:  Places must be booked in advance, due to limited availability.  To book, email


18th and 28th February



Session will enable primary teachers to make the most of the education pack created to link the exhibition The Kingdom of If (currently touring in Fife’s mobile museum MAC) with cross-curricular art and environment themes. The education pack also provides a range of activities tied to Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes which will be introduced as part of the session. Artists involved in the exhibition and staff from organisers, Fife Contemporary Art & Craft will deliver the activties. There will be achance to try out simple hands-on activities in the pack and an additional activity devised by the artists which you can then use in the classroom

CPD sessions are free due to the support of Fife’s Creative Learning Network.

How to book a CPD session:

Course information is now live on the Fife CPD System and applications should be made in the normal way.

500 words competition!

BBC Radio 2 competition

If you’re aged 13 or under, what are you waiting for? Get writing!

We want you to send us something mad, magical, mind-blowing or mysterious…

You could win yourself a pile of books as tall as Chris Evans, and 500 books for your school library!

Calling all teachers and librarians

Download our free 500 Words Resources pack which is full to the brim with ideas to encourage children to read and write.

 Plus download our posters using the links below and help spread the word! 
PDF Download Enter the competition poster (1mb) 
PDF Download Become a judge poster (1mb) 

Find out more from the official website

Creative Leadership Symposium

The Arches | Thu 21 Feb 2013 | 3pm-6pm | 

Free but ticketed (call 0141 565 1000 to reserve your place)

How do we embed creativity into the core curriculum? How can we be responsive to the individual needs of students and learners? What is classroom inertia and how does creative practice offer a way of reimaging how a curriculum is offered?

Is it possible for artists, creative educators and teachers to work collaboratively to offer a more radical pedagogy measured by more than subject achievement? Who might lead this and does it work? Is it effective? What are the benefits of this approach? How might this impact on future pedagogical approaches?

For the culmination of their creative leadership project 100 Little Pennies, run by Gary Gardiner at Oakgrove Primary School in Glasgow, The Arches are hosting a symposium event, followed by drinks, nibbles and an opportunity to network.

Introduced by Dee Heddon (University of Glasgow), contributors include Gary Gardiner andMurray Wason (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), David Cameron (Director of The Real David Cameron LTD), Helen Nicholson (Professor of Drama and Theatre at Royal Holloway) and Lesley Dunlop (Education Consultant).

Join the Facebook event

Running on the Cracks-The Tron Theatre

WED 6 – SAT 16 FEBRUARY, 7.45pm
£12 (£7)



Run. Keep running. You’re doing the right thing. Lay low. Head down. Don’t look back. Just keep running, but whatever you do don’t tread on the cracks……

Leo’s world has been turned upside down. With her parents gone and a creepy uncle becoming too close for comfort she’s certainly sure of one thing…she must get out. Leo’s on the run. She knows what she’s running from. Problem is where is she running to?

Adapted from the novel of the same name by the internationally acclaimed children’s writer Julia Donaldson, Running on the Cracks is a fast-moving new play about runaways, identity, survival and how friendships can develop in the strangest situations.

To support the Tron Theatre’s production of Running on the Cracks, Tron Participation is offering a range of opportunities for schools, youth groups and individuals to take part in workshops, talks, performances and therapeutic drama

Workshop Offer
Bringing a group to see Running on the Cracks? Then why not book some FREE workshops.

Pre and post show workshops are on offer to groups. These will allow participants to explore the themes from the production in a practical way. Working with a drama specialist these workshops will allow groups to explore and discuss issues such as making choices, consequences, danger, protection and relationships. Post-show workshop will include a contribution from Aberlour, who we are working in partnership with on this project. They will discuss risk awareness and keeping safe if someone feels like running away.

Glow Meet
Join Julia Donaldson, children’s laureate for a Glow Meet live from the Tron on Tuesday 29th January at 1.45pm. Julia will discuss her inspiration for the book and will answer your questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to speak with one of the UK’s leading children’s author.

How to book?
To book your free workshop call box office on 0141 552 4267 to book your groups show tickets.
Once you have completed this step you will be passed through to Participation who will schedule your workshops.

Win a Visit from Clyde, the Glasgow 2014 Mascot

Clyde – Glasgow 2014’s official mascot – has been busy visiting local communities over the last few months to let everyone know more about the Commonwealth Games and in the New Year he is keen to visit as many schools as he can.  And your school or establishment can win a visit through Game On Scotland, the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games education programme.  If you want to find out what Clyde and his creator Beth Gilmour have been up to over the last year watch the short film ‘My year with Clyde’.

Find out more here!

FREE transport costs for schools…don’t miss out!

Fife’s Cultural Partnerships Team is delighted to announce their Seedcorn Transport Scheme for 2013.  The Scheme will run from January – March 2013.

We recognise that transport costs are a real barrier to schools participating in creative and cultural opportunities.  This Scheme offers schools the opportunity to apply for transport costs which support children taking part in creative and cultural activities out with school and which also support creativity in learning within the overarching context of Curriculum for Excellence for the long-term benefits to learners.  We are keen that this scheme allows maximum participation and will take numbers benefiting into account when assessing the application.

Additionally this year we have enclosed a  Calendar of Activities which highlights some of the exciting activities on offer from members of Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN), running from January – March 2013 (in case you are stuck for ideas!).


  • The Scheme is open to schools who wish to attend creative and cultural opportunities which they would not otherwise have the capacity to attend.
  • Activities must take place between January – March 2013.
  • Applications must be made using the ‘Seedcorn Application Form 2013’.
  • Support is available up to a maximum of £250.
  • Only one application will be considered per school.
  • No retrospective applications will be considered.
  • An evaluation form must be completed and returned no later than 4 weeks after your activity takes place.  Applicants who fail to return the evaluations will not receive seedcorn support for future funding rounds.

Your planned activity should meet at least one of the following Actions from Generations of Change – A Strategy for Culture in Fife 2011-13 (

Action 2 Identifying the barriers to cultural participation and ways of overcoming them.

Action 3 Encourage communities to maximise cultural opportunities to celebrate their strengths and their heritage.

Action 5 Increase access to participation in cultural activity and creative learning opportunities.

Please note that financial support is limited and applications will be assessed on a first come first served basis.

Should you have queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01592 583255.