Category Archives: News

Year of Creative Scotland 2012

…is an exciting year of events that will highlight, celebrate and promote Scotland’s cultural and creative strengths on a world stage. The aim of the year is to help position Scotland as one of the world’s most creative nations to audiences at home and across the globe.

Through the dynamic programme of activity we will celebrate our world-class events, festivals, artistic and cultural heritage to connect people with Scotland’s creativity, arts and culture in a way that inspires them to participate in 2012, and beyond.

Creative Say is an invitation for anyone in Scotland to participate in these developments. We want to open a discussion with those who care most about Scotland’s creative output on how we can encourage more people to enjoy arts and culture. Over the coming weeks we will be asking questions around culture and creativity in Scotland.  To read the latest question, and to have your voice heard, ‘like’; follow @CreativeScots on Twitter and add #creativesay to your reply or alternatively just head to

Resources: cultural identity and global citizenship

A key starting point for global citizenship education is a richer understanding of your own culture. Here in Scotland there are great new resources, challenges and projects which will facilitate learning about this country and what it means to be a Scot.

Studying Scotland
Marks on the Landscape
‘Great Tapestry of Scotland’ project

Click here for more info from Education Scotland