Category Archives: News

15 month extension to the current version of glow

The Scottish Government will continue to fund the current version of glow at the same time as planning the introduction of a new version


A notice has been published (see the link below) signalling the Scottish Government’s intention to extend the current Glow contract with RM Education for 15 months after its expiry on 15 September this year.  The contract will be signed after a 10 day standstill period.
In parallel the Scottish Government is continuing with the tender exercise for a new ‘Integrated Application Suite’ for Glow (tools and services such as email, calendar, web conferencing etc).  We expect to make a decision on this by the end of May.  For reasons of commercial sensitivity we cannot comment on this process in any further detail.
The future of Glow must focus on the needs of the pupils and teachers who use it, and this step has been taken to secure continuity of service for Glow users.  Education Scotland and the Scottish Government are committed to working with these users, ADES and others stakeholders as we transition towards a new Glow.

Special Delivery: The William Wallace Letters


Click on image for more info

The National Records of Scotland, in partnership with the Scottish Parliament, is mounting an exhibition in the Parliament from Wednesday 15 August to Saturday 8 September 2012 featuring two surviving original documents with a direct link to William Wallace. Many visitors to the exhibition are unlikely to know much about this turbulent period of Scottish history so primary and secondary pupils are invited to provide text, artwork or short films to help tell the story in a modern way. 

Contributions for the exhibition must be submitted to the Scottish Parliament Education Service by Friday 15 June. Full details about this and the Education


Programme during the exhibition are available on the Scottish Parliament website (

Scottish Book Trust

The search is on for Scotland’s Favourite Place

Scottish Book Trust and BBC Scotland have launched an exciting new writing project to encourage people to write about the place in Scotland that they love the most.

My Favourite Place in Scotland is running from 19 March to 31 August 2012, and in that time Scottish Book Trust wants to involve everyone in Scotland in building a written picture of Scotland’s best-loved places.

Submissions should be made to Scottish Book Trust website and can be written in a huge variety of different forms, such as a story, poem, song lyrics, a short play or sketch, a letter or even diary entry.

Each submission will feature on Scottish Book Trust’s website and a selection of the most interesting and inspiring offerings will be broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland and published in a book in late 2012.

Submissions can be made online at or by post to My Favourite Place, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunks Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR.

The closing date for entries is 31 August 2012.

For more information read Scottish Book Trust press release.

EdTech: 100 Tech Tools for Teachers and Students

So here’s what I’ve got for all you educators our there: some random and cool EduTech tools, tech tools for teachers and students, ways to integrate mobile devices into the classroom, social learning tools, elearning and online learning resources and finally some test prep, textbook, educational gaming and a few other random resources.

The scope of this list covers everything from Kindergarten-age up through college-age so there’s hopefully something for everyone here.

Visit The Daily Tekk to see the full list!

Children in Scotland – BeXcellent – new website

Children in Scotland announces that a new website has been launched to bring Curriculum for Excellence to life for young people.  Visit

There is also a BeXcellent competition, calling for entries from individual young people and groups which demonstrate excellent learning across a range of categories. Winning entries must be inspiring and innovative. Closing date – 8 June 2012.