Category Archives: News

Schools enterprise competition

‘Micro Tyco‘ is a competition with the potential for inspiring children and young people to think and be creative in an enterprising way while also becoming aware of business ethics. The one month challenge kicks off at the start of November when participants work in teams to transform £1 into as much money as possible.

Schools can register teams online, to get ready for the start of the competition.

Holocaust education – teacher professional development

Holocaust education is a theme addressed every year by teachers in many Scottish schools, and commemorated each January around Holocaust Memorial Day. We know that teachers appreciate professional development  opportunities to increase their understanding of the subject and consider appropriate approaches to learning and teaching about genocide, prejudice and discrimination.

The Holocaust Education Trust will be running a free one-day Scottish Teachers’ Seminar in Glasgow on Saturday 10th November. Keynote speakers will include Ingrid and Henry Wuga, who came to the UK as part of the Kindertransport and settled in Scotland, as well as other presenters. To register an interest in participating in the seminar, contact Richard Hill at HET,

The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust is offering a workshop session for organisers of local events, including teachers. This half day afternoon event will be held in Edinburgh on Tuesday 16th October. HMDT staff will take participants through the campaign materials available to support activities around Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2013, which has the theme of ‘Communities together: Build a Bridge’. Booking details for this free opportunity are on the webpage.

Free crafting in Fife

Nutshell Theatre are holding intergenerational home crafting, knitting, sewing and DIY workshops throughout September in the run up to their show in YOUR COMMUNITY!

We want to connect people in the community who have skills in any form of craft or trade to others who want to learn.

We’ll create a pictorial in each community as a record and celebration of the shared projects and exhibit them as part of the final show when it arrives in Fife. You will be invited to see your work on show and the play for free as part of the project.

Do you have a spare 60 – 90 minutes in your week to help elder and younger people learn a new skill or do you want to learn something new? If so, we are excited to hear from you!

We are looking for volunteers to come into our sessions and help teach/learn creative skills – sewing, painting etc.

Here’s a run down of what’s happening with the project at the moment.

Wednesday 10 – 11:30 Lochgelly Centre
Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 Glenrothes Age Concern (Scott Road)
Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 Dunfermline Carnegie Hall
Friday 10:45 – 12:15 Kirkcaldy Day Centre (Townsend Place)

Nutshell Theatre want to hear from any people who might be interested in the project.

Contact Lynsey at Education and Outreach
Nutshell Theatre
Phone: 07515 675 629

Click here for all the info on the show ‘Thread’

Education Scotland launches new-style ‘Curriculum Impact’ reviews

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In a significant new development Education Scotland has now published the first two reports in a Curriculum Impact series that is designed to present a subject-by-subject picture of how children and young people are experiencing learning in different areas of the 3-18 curriculum across the country. These first two reports focus on the sciences and social studies. Setting a pattern for others that will follow, they provide subject-specific analysis and evaluation of current practice, based on a range of independent inspection activities, and they then go on to identify emerging innovative and thought-provoking practice, while highlighting important areas for development.

View the full report in the here.

Olympic Gold Medallists visit St. Margaret’s Primary School

Two Olympic Gold medallists Etienne Stott and Tim Baillie visited St. Margaret’s Primary School and gave a presentation to all the pupils which included a video of them winning Gold medals in the Canoe Double (C2) slalom at the London 2012 Olympics.  The children enjoyed a question and answer session with the two gold medal winners and got the opportunity to hold the medals and get autographs from them,

Going to the Pictures: Scotland at the movies


This exciting exhibition and workshops run at National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh until 28th October .
Explore the story of Scottish cinema-going over the past 120 years, and find out more about the celluloid portrayal of Scotland – from the silents to the present day – through the art of the original film poster, cinema advertising, and popular film magazines.
A century of Scots and Scotland on screen will be presented through a range of fascinating film footage from the Scottish Screen Archive and elsewhere – from the earliest representation of Scottishness on screen in the ‘Execution of Mary Queen of Scots’ (1895), through the depiction of Scottish life in documentary film-making, to the current explosion of award-winning films made in Scotland and by Scots.
NLS offer a FREE Cinema in the Past interactive workshop to guide pupils through the Scotland at the Movies exhibition to find out about the earliest films shown in Scotland and how Scotland has been portrayed on the big screen.  Experiences: SOC 2-01a; SOC 2-02a; SOC 2-04a
Workshops are in the mornings of 26th & 27 September & 25 October and the exhibition is open Monday – Friday from 10am, until 28th October – contact Beverly Casebow to book, 0131 623 3745.

Filmhouse Cinema can also support a visit to the exhibition with film screenings, workshops and cinema tours to provide a full and very fun overview of the history of cinema; from the early years, through the golden era of cinema-going to the present day. These activities are available year-round at Filmhouse.

This supports teachers working on moving image projects and particularly for P6 and P7 classes working with Joyning The Learning: The VIB (Very Important Bear). To arrange activity at Filmhouse, plesae contact Nicola Kettlewood, 0131 228 6382,

New RMR web resource

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Testimony is Education Scotland’s new high quality resource to support learning and teaching in religious and moral education. It has been designed for use by both staff and senior phase pupils. Testimony illustrates how faith, belief and values can influence how a person acts. It includes examples of religious and non-religious standpoints to show how people from around the world and in Scotland have been influenced by faith. The material includes the personal testimonies of some well-known individuals alongside the stories of ordinary members of faith communities. It can be used to support learning within the new SQA award in Religion, Belief and Values and also supports the development of skills for learning, life and work.

Scottish physics teachers wanted to work with CERN laboratory

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Education Scotland is inviting applications from secondary physics teachers for a two-week placement at CERN in November 2012. The placement has been arranged in collaboration with education and scientific staff at CERN, and is funded by the Scottish Government. We are seeking two teachers who will work together to develop material and approaches to support the teaching of physics in the sciences curriculum area.