Category Archives: Global Citizenship

Dennis the Menace becomes a global citizen

Who’d have thought it? Dennis the Menace becoming a global citizen and the Bash Street Kids growing their own vegetables and getting their 5-a-day!

In the forthcoming special edition of the Beano, primary school pupils will get to see a very different side of their favourite characters. Scottish Business in the Community, a charity that actively encourages businesses from all sectors to improve their impacts on the economy, environment and society, has teamed up with one of its members, DC Thomson, to support the creation of a special edition Beano designed to engage young people in environmental and societal issues in a positive and fun way.

Sent to every primary school pupil in Scotland, the free special edition Beano will incorporate the key themes core to SBC and central to creating a sustainable future for Scotland including: 

  • Environment / visioning the future
  • Health & wellbeing / growing your own veg  
  • Employability and soft skills
  • Responsible citizenship and community

 This special edition Beano is supported by a teachers information pack linking to Curriculum for Excellence.

 Dr Alasdair Allan, Minister for Leaning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, is very supportive of the initiative saying, ‘I welcome the opportunity afforded to schools to use resources such as this to engage the children in positive and more importantly, fun learning experiences.’

Comics should start arriving in schools now.

Watch again – Rio+20 Glow Meet

On Tuesday 19 June, schools from across Scotland linked up with Stewart Stevenson MSP, Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, who is in Rio as part of the official UK delegation to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which is taking place from 20-22 June. Over 100 heads of state and world leaders are in Rio de Janeiro for crucial talks at this summit, referred to as Rio+20.

During the Glow Meet, learners from primary and secondary schools were able to put questions to the minister about the conference and about Scotland’s efforts to tackle climate change.

Log in to Glow and watch the recording of this Glow Meet.

Resources: cultural identity and global citizenship

A key starting point for global citizenship education is a richer understanding of your own culture. Here in Scotland there are great new resources, challenges and projects which will facilitate learning about this country and what it means to be a Scot.

Studying Scotland
Marks on the Landscape
‘Great Tapestry of Scotland’ project

Click here for more info from Education Scotland

CPD: School open day: Bo’ness Academy, Falkirk Council

17 May 2012

This CPD event offers practitioners and school leaders an exciting opportunity to visit Bo’ness Academy and attend Falkirk Council’s Global Citizenship Showcase Event.

Bo’ness Academy is an inspiring example of a school that has used international education as a vehicle to engage the whole school in global citizenship activities. Through the Comenius Programme and other well established links the school has developed a rich international programme connecting it to countries across the world including: The Gambia, The Netherlands, China, France, Germany and The Czech Republic.


To book, email Megan Farr, Policy Officer, Falkirk Council, or telephone 01324 506671.


Note: Places for the open day section of the event are limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

event programme (635 KB)

Enter the national billboard design challenge

Education Scotland has launched a national challenge for learners to design a double-sided billboard to be seen by people entering and leaving Scotland.

The design challenge is being run through the Marks on the Landscape website  , an interdisciplinary learning resource focussed on creativity skills, within the learning context of the land regeneration project Fife Earth.

The challenge is aimed at those working within second, third and fourth curriculum levels. It could be incorporated into planning for a number of curriculum areas including art and design, social studies, religious and moral education, technologies and sciences, and the themes of sustainability and global citizenship.