Category Archives: Events

Scottish Learning Festival 2012

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Recently Education Scotland hosted SLF 2012 – the largest education festival in Scotland.  Over 4500 delegates came along and benefited from the 100 professional development seminars, networking opportunities, keynote speakers and Scotland’s largest education exhibition.

SLF 2012 included four inspirational keynote speeches which were recorded and are available to watch on the SLF website. A selection of seminars from SLF were also recorded and are available to view on the Glow TV watch again service.

Parents’ Conference: Reading – what’s my role?

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Saturday 27 October 10.00 am – 3.00 pm

The Mercure Hotel, Inverness

 The Literacy Team at Education Scotland is hosting a free conference for parents. Once children have mastered the basics of learning to read, many parents are concerned about how best to develop their child’s skills and encourage a love of books.  The conference will support parents in helping children to successfully negotiate an information rich world and to become readers for life.

Click here to register for the event, or call Margaret McGuinness on 0141 282 5064.



 St Andrews Literature Live! is a new two day literary feast featuring a host of local and international writers in St Andrews.

Headlining the two day event is the internationally acclaimed BBC Middle East Correspondent Jeremy Bowen discussing his new book ‘The Arab Uprising’ and the popular Scottish author Iain Banks with his new book ‘Stonemouth’.

Produced by Waterstones in association with the Byre Theatre of St Andrews, the events brings together live readings, discussions, demonstrations as well as live theatre covering a wide range subjects including: Cookery; Fiction; Crime; Scottish History; Poetry; Politics; Children’s literature, and of course no event in St Andrews is complete without Golf!

 Julie Thow, Manager of Waterstones, St Andrews said: “We are delighted to bring this exciting collection of local and international authors to St Andrews for what will be an amazing two days.”

 Head of Marketing & Development at the Byre Theatre, David Orr claimed the festival further enhanced St Andrews reputation as a creative hub in its award winning year as Scotland’s Creative Place. “In this year of Creative Scotland we are excited to be the host venue for so many highly acclaimed writers at the Byre and look forward to welcoming them to St Andrews!”

 Tickets are available now from The Byre Theatre on 01334 475000 and online at Books will be available on the day and in Waterstones before the event.

Programme: St Andrews Literature Live!

Creativity Exchange Fife

Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) is delighted to announce their event ‘creativity exchange fife’ which will take place on Thursday 8 November 2012 from 3pm – 7pm at the Rothes Halls, Glenrothes.

This event is FREE for teachers and creative and cultural practitioners within Fife.

This event has been developed to:

  • showcase the impact creativity has on children and young people in their learning experiences and opportunities provided by educators and creative practitioners within Fife.
  • highlight the benefits of creative learning  
  • and to emphasise creativity as a cross-curricular theme within the context of Curriculum for Excellence.

The Programme is in development and will be published soon but advance bookings are now being taken by contacting or phoning 01592 583255.  Please note places are limited. 

Creativity Exchange Fife

Additionally, the FCLN will be compiling a magazine which will complement this event, showcasing the varied creative learning experiences already happening across Fife. 

Would YOU like a chance to showcase your work within this magazine? 

If so, please complete the attached Creative Learning Proforma and return it to by Tuesday 2 October 2012 by 5pm at the very latest, for inclusion in the magazine. 

Free crafting in Fife

Nutshell Theatre are holding intergenerational home crafting, knitting, sewing and DIY workshops throughout September in the run up to their show in YOUR COMMUNITY!

We want to connect people in the community who have skills in any form of craft or trade to others who want to learn.

We’ll create a pictorial in each community as a record and celebration of the shared projects and exhibit them as part of the final show when it arrives in Fife. You will be invited to see your work on show and the play for free as part of the project.

Do you have a spare 60 – 90 minutes in your week to help elder and younger people learn a new skill or do you want to learn something new? If so, we are excited to hear from you!

We are looking for volunteers to come into our sessions and help teach/learn creative skills – sewing, painting etc.

Here’s a run down of what’s happening with the project at the moment.

Wednesday 10 – 11:30 Lochgelly Centre
Thursday 10:30 – 12:00 Glenrothes Age Concern (Scott Road)
Thursday 1:00 – 2:30 Dunfermline Carnegie Hall
Friday 10:45 – 12:15 Kirkcaldy Day Centre (Townsend Place)

Nutshell Theatre want to hear from any people who might be interested in the project.

Contact Lynsey at Education and Outreach
Nutshell Theatre
Phone: 07515 675 629

Click here for all the info on the show ‘Thread’

Modern Language Screenings

The experience of hearing another language in the cinema is an invaluable way to appreciate and enjoy another culture. From September – December 2012 Filmhouse offers primary and secondary schools a wealth of great films from France and Germany, including films from the 20th French Film Festival and Goethe Insitut. These films have all been very successful in their own countries and offer a range of funny, touching and educational stories.

Screenings are great value – either £2.60 or FREE – and many are supported by an additional teaching resource for use in the classroom.

For further details please see or contact

To book, please contact the Filmhouse Duty Manager on 0131 228 6382.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2012

This week Education Scotland hosted another successful Scottish Learning Festival.   Over the two days, they welcomed around 4500 visitors, hosted 100 seminars, delivered inspiring keynote addresses and facilitated discussion and debate in the round table sessions.

You can watch the keynotes and a range of seminars on Glow TV watch again.