Category Archives: Social Studies

Holocaust Memorial Day 2014

Commemorated in Scotland on Monday 27 January.

Glow TV will be providing opportunities throughout January for you to participate in events and learn more about the Holocaust via the new Learning Experience called ‘Journeys’. You can visit the Learning Experience and tell Scottish learners what your school is doing for HMD 2014 or share your learning resources with them.

More details will be available early in the new year. In the meantime you can email LearnCat if you have any questions or information that you want to share.  For more information click here.

The National Piping Centre Introduce the Highland Bagpipes

In the run up to St Andrew’s Day, join staff from the National Piping Centre, for this exciting glow meet. In this interactive presentation, they will introduce the pupils to the Highland Bagpipes. Pupils will discover a little of the history of the bagpipes in Scotland, and explore what each part of the instrument is used for. There will then be the opportunity to hear some music played on the bagpipes by world class pipers. The target audience is Primary 6 and 7.

Click here for more information.

23rd International Children’s Painting Competition

The International Children’s Painting Competition on the Environment is an international contest, with regional and overall winners, for young people aged 6 to 14 organised by one of the United Nations agencies. It invites children to produce a painting on the theme of ‘Food Waste’ and saving the planet. The Think.Eat.Save website is designed to help inform their thinking around supply, waste and food security issues

For more information click here.

Andrew Carnegie International Legacy: Shaping the Future

In partnership with the Scottish Parliament, the Carnegie Trusts of the UK are working together on a programme of events, exhibitions, seminars and activities taking place at Holyrood from until January 2014.

These activities will showcase the intellectual and social impact of work made possible by Scots-American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie’s endowments and provide an opportunity to discuss the emerging challenges of the 21st century and the role of philanthropy. The programme of events is a celebration of the huge impact made by Carnegie and the global network of charitable organisations he endowed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

For more information click here.

Authors Live – Storytelling Relay – Glow TV

31 October 11.00

To celebrate the Queens Baton Relay setting off on its journey around the Commonwealth we have brought together storytellers, Peter Chand, Lari Don and Mara Menzies (India, Scotland & Kenya) to share traditional tales from their homeland in this storytelling relay.

For more information click here.

Millennium Youth Camp 2014

Applications for the fifth international Millennium Youth Camp have begun.

The 2014 Millennium Youth Camp will be held during 3–11 June 2014 in the Greater Helsinki area in Finland. The one week camp takes place in Finland every summer and is organised by the Technology Academy Finland, the Finnish Science Education Centre LUMA (University of Helsinki) and Aalto University.

The camp offers young people from across Europe, aged between 16-19, who are interested in mathematics, the natural sciences and technology, an opportunity to learn more about Finnish expertise and top level research in these areas.  It’s also a great opportunity to meet other young people who share similar interests.

Click here for more information.

Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards

Launched in 2012 by Lantra Scotland, with sponsorship from Royal Highland and Agriculture Society of Scotland (RHASS), the new Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards are aimed at any secondary school delivering an environmental, aquaculture or land based project.

Lantra Scotland are seeking nominations from schools participating in, for example, creating a school garden, working in a community woodland, working on a food and drink project or any other project or activity involving pupils in horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, agriculture or environmental works.  Closing date for nominations is Friday 8th November 2013.

Click here for more information.

SEWeb – Scotland’s Environment Website (Glow TV)

6 November 2013, 11.00

Scotland’s environment is world-famous and draws tourists and visitors from across the globe. It needs to be protected but many of the challenges facing our environment are complex, and can only be solved in partnership; a partnership which involves children, young people and adults working together as citizen scientists.

This Glow meet will explain how you can get involved and to better understand, care for and improve Scotland’s environment.

Click here to sign up for this event.

For more information please read blog post: