Category Archives: Curriculum for Excellence

National Museums Scotland

Bring classroom learning to life!

Excite, inspire and enthuse your pupils with a visit to one of our five first-class national museums. Our outstanding collections, rich resources and friendly, knowledgeable staff add up to a vibrant learning experience for enquiring minds, from pre-school to Primary 7.

School visits can be remembered for a lifetime. Engaging activities led by our in-house team, and specialist workshops delivered by our expert partners, help children learn by experience.

National Museum of Scotland:
Dinosaur Discovery

Levels 1 & 2 (P2–P7)
You’ve been sent a large package from the other side of the world: can you piece together the clues to reveal which dinosaur is inside?

Free CPD session: Askasaurus
Thu 11 October, 16:00–18:00
Let us help you field all those dinosaur questions in the classroom by asking the experts!

National Museum of Rural Life: Evacuees

Level 2 (P5–P7)
Experience life as an evacuee in the countryside during the dark days of war.

National Museum of Flight: Flying Forces 
Level 2 (P4–7)
Take part in the Flying Forces Show, then study real flying machines before making your own things that fly.

Education Scotland launches new-style ‘Curriculum Impact’ reviews

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In a significant new development Education Scotland has now published the first two reports in a Curriculum Impact series that is designed to present a subject-by-subject picture of how children and young people are experiencing learning in different areas of the 3-18 curriculum across the country. These first two reports focus on the sciences and social studies. Setting a pattern for others that will follow, they provide subject-specific analysis and evaluation of current practice, based on a range of independent inspection activities, and they then go on to identify emerging innovative and thought-provoking practice, while highlighting important areas for development.

View the full report in the here.

New RMR web resource

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Testimony is Education Scotland’s new high quality resource to support learning and teaching in religious and moral education. It has been designed for use by both staff and senior phase pupils. Testimony illustrates how faith, belief and values can influence how a person acts. It includes examples of religious and non-religious standpoints to show how people from around the world and in Scotland have been influenced by faith. The material includes the personal testimonies of some well-known individuals alongside the stories of ordinary members of faith communities. It can be used to support learning within the new SQA award in Religion, Belief and Values and also supports the development of skills for learning, life and work.

Scottish physics teachers wanted to work with CERN laboratory

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Education Scotland is inviting applications from secondary physics teachers for a two-week placement at CERN in November 2012. The placement has been arranged in collaboration with education and scientific staff at CERN, and is funded by the Scottish Government. We are seeking two teachers who will work together to develop material and approaches to support the teaching of physics in the sciences curriculum area.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2012

This week Education Scotland hosted another successful Scottish Learning Festival.   Over the two days, they welcomed around 4500 visitors, hosted 100 seminars, delivered inspiring keynote addresses and facilitated discussion and debate in the round table sessions.

You can watch the keynotes and a range of seminars on Glow TV watch again.

Finding out about Glow at The Scottish Learning Festival

Glow is changing, see the new solution

A key priority of Curriculum for Excellence is to improve the life chances for all of Scotland’s children and young people, through improving attainment and raising ambition. Fundamental to this is encouraging and nurturing creativity, to improve the self-esteem, motivation and achievement of our learners.

Creativity can mean different things to different people. For some it means being imaginative or inventive, taking risks or challenging convention. For others it is about original thinking or producing something new.

As CfE is being implemented across Scotland, practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in learners.

The Scottish Learning Festival 2012 offers practitioners opportunities to learn more about the importance of creative skills for themselves and for their learners.

Why not come along to one of the Glow seminars at this years’ festival

Code: K2E
Speakers: Education Scotland, Microsoft and RM Education
Seminar Date: 19 September 2012 @ 16:15
Code: L2F
Speakers: Education Scotland, Microsoft & RM Education
Seminar Date: 20 September 2012 @ 09:30

Code: D2I
Speakers: Education Scotland, Microsoft and RM Education
Seminar Date: 20 September 2012 @ 13:15

Representatives from Education Scotland, RM Education and Microsoft will take you on a tour of the evolving Glow solution. You will see the new Glow Launchpad, RM Unify, which will give users access to Office365 for education, RM Books along with other popular application for the education community. This launchpad to the cloud will allow you to tailor the apps you see and use in daily learning and teaching.

Find out more on the SLF site here

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award sponsored by Bank of Scotland will be run for the first time in school year 2012-13.  Students from the senior phase at all Scottish secondary schools are invited to take part in the inaugural schools painting award.  Students are asked to paint and submit their interpretation of the Scottish landscape.  The winner will receive £500, with an additional £500 going to the winning schools Art Department.  The winner will also have the opportunity to be mentored by the artist John Lowrie Morrison (Jolomo).  More information can be found by clicking on ‘How to enter’ on the home page of The Jolomo Foundation website:

Book Week Scotland 2012

Scottish Book Trust will be running the first Book Week Scotland, a national celebration of books and reading, from 26 November to 2 December 2012.

During Book Week Scotland Scottish Book Trust will be working with a wide range of partner organisations, including libraries, schools, museums and workplaces, to deliver a full programme of free projects and events, bringing Scots of all ages and from all walks of life together to celebrate the pleasures of books and reading.

They are currently looking for volunteers to join the League of Extraordinary Booklovers.  For more information on this visit the Scottish Book Trust’s website: