Category Archives: Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence Briefing 5: Personalised Learning

CfEBriefing5- Personal Learning

The fifth title in the popular series of CfE Briefings is now available and focuses on personalised learning. This latest briefing explores the practical implications for staff, learners and parents of personalised learning, which presumes a degree of choice and a stronger role for the learner in making decisions

Youth Music Theatre Auditions

We are coming to a city near you next January and February 2013 searching for around 250 talented young actors, singers, dancers and musicians to perform in one of our exciting new musicals or, for the first time, a feature film for TV. Our musicals are fully-residential so this is your chance to travel to London or somewhere else in the country and meet friends from all corners of the UK.

Also this year all our work will be examined by Trinity Guildhall, so you can also gain a Grade 8 Certificate in Musical Theatre by taking part. Grade 8 is the highest grade – equivalent to A* at A-level, diploma or first year university BA level of working.

Do something different for two weeks next summer 2013 and audition for our exciting summer series, detailed below, including: Great Expectations, The Salsa Sisters, The Dark Tower, Terry Pratchett’s Soul Music or even a feature film for TV.  
Book your audition online here

Visit our website for more details

Education Scotland – Professional Focus Papers.

 These materials have been designed to assist teachers and others with the delivery of programmes of learning within the new National 4 and National 5 courses.The papers highlight important features of learning which are enhanced or different from previous arrangements. 

They provide advice on approaches to learning and teaching which build directly on those used in the 3-15 Broad General Education in order to promote continuity in learners’ acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills. 

The papers are also intended to stimulate professional reflection and dialogue about learning.

The focus papers come as part of the development of exemplar course materials across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications, being developed by Education Scotland in partnership with ADES. 

The Professional Focus Papers are available for you to download here at the National Qualifications area of the Education Scotland website.

Think Innovation

ACES (Access to Creative Education in Scotland) is a national initiative funded by the Scottish Funding Council.  It is delivered by four major Art & Design institutions in Scotland in the form of outreach work with schools in their local area. 

ACES provides practical support and encouragement to S4-S6 pupils who are considering studying art and design -based degrees at University.

The University of Dundee’s ACES project – which is delivered by Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and the Architecture department – has recently started working with eligible Fife schools, with the support of Fife Council’s Think Innovation programme. 

Pupils at these schools can, amongst other activities, benefit from:
– Practical insights into various art and design degree disciplines;
– Projects to build work for the entrance portfolio;
– Individualised guidance on applying for Art & Design and Architecture courses, including UCAS Personal Statement feedback, portfolio surgeries and mock interviews.
To access this provision, pupils at eligible schools can self-register by visiting , or schools can request a visit from the ACES Project Officer, Julie Murray, by emailing .

Updated youth literacy resource now published

Education Scotland and YouthLink Scotland have launched a new version of the Big Book of Literacies Training (BBLT).

 BBLT is aimed at supporting practitioners working with young people (14-25 year olds) on their literacies, in a variety of contexts. These could include youth work, adult literacies, training, prison, ESOL, school and others.  It aims to assist practitioners to build on their current experience and become more confident in working with literacies.

Help name the new CfE senior phase benchmarking tool

As announced on Engage for Education last week, the Scottish Government and its partners are developing a new CfE senior phase benchmarking tool to help local authorities and secondary schools to analyse, compare and improve the performance of pupils in the senior phase of Curriculum for Excellence.  One of the early tasks on which the project team are seeking views is the name of the tool.  A canvassing exercise has been launched on Engage and Glow and will run until Friday November 30. The results will be passed to the Project Board and CfE Management Board for their final consideration.  Take part here,we would welcome your ideas and suggestions.

What does remembrance mean? – Wounded

22/11/12 10:00 – 11:30

This year Poppyscotland have teamed up with Glow TV to bring you a series of events about remembrance. This is the final event in this series.

From 20th – 23rd November 2012, Surgeons’ Hall Museum at The Royal College of Surgeons will host a unique theatrical and educational event. ‘Wounded’ is a new play, which has been written by members of the Birmingham Repertory Theatre for students from S3 upwards.

Wounded is a free educational event which has two aims: to bring to life elements of the Curriculum for Excellence, particularly in History, English, Drama and Citizenship; and to support outreach initiatives for students, enabling interaction with museum collections.

This is your chance to watch ‘Wounded’ from the comfort of your own classroom.