Category Archives: Curriculum for Excellence


With around 40 years experience and an SQA Visiting Assessor between them – the YDance Dance Specialists – Anna, Yvonne and Laura – are fully trained to support you in achieving the outcomes as laid out in the Curriculum for Excellence.

We are here to support Nursery, Primary and Secondary teachers – regardless of your dance experience. Our next CPD Training Days are coming up in November so check out the website for what’s on offer.

If you’d like to make a booking please email or call the office on 0141 552 7712

Millennium Youth Camp 2014

Applications for the fifth international Millennium Youth Camp have begun.

The 2014 Millennium Youth Camp will be held during 3–11 June 2014 in the Greater Helsinki area in Finland. The one week camp takes place in Finland every summer and is organised by the Technology Academy Finland, the Finnish Science Education Centre LUMA (University of Helsinki) and Aalto University.

The camp offers young people from across Europe, aged between 16-19, who are interested in mathematics, the natural sciences and technology, an opportunity to learn more about Finnish expertise and top level research in these areas.  It’s also a great opportunity to meet other young people who share similar interests.

Click here for more information.

Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards

Launched in 2012 by Lantra Scotland, with sponsorship from Royal Highland and Agriculture Society of Scotland (RHASS), the new Lantra Scotland Secondary School Awards are aimed at any secondary school delivering an environmental, aquaculture or land based project.

Lantra Scotland are seeking nominations from schools participating in, for example, creating a school garden, working in a community woodland, working on a food and drink project or any other project or activity involving pupils in horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, agriculture or environmental works.  Closing date for nominations is Friday 8th November 2013.

Click here for more information.

SEWeb – Scotland’s Environment Website (Glow TV)

6 November 2013, 11.00

Scotland’s environment is world-famous and draws tourists and visitors from across the globe. It needs to be protected but many of the challenges facing our environment are complex, and can only be solved in partnership; a partnership which involves children, young people and adults working together as citizen scientists.

This Glow meet will explain how you can get involved and to better understand, care for and improve Scotland’s environment.

Click here to sign up for this event.

For more information please read blog post:

Game On Scotland – Literacy Learning Zone

29 October 2013, 10.00

Game On Scotland and the Literacy team of Education Scotland will present an exciting hour of challenges and fun around the Commonwealth Games. In conjunction with a teacher form West Dunbartonshire learners will engage in a number of stimulating activities using the Games as a context. The session will be interactive and no preparatory work is required. The target audience for this event is pupils Levels 2 and 3.

Click here for more information and to sign up.

Twig on Glow – volunteers needed for video editing pilot

Following the success of the Twig Summer Challenge, Twig On Glow are looking for classes who would like to try out our video editing tool. Twig Studio is a new online video editor that allows students to make films from scratch, using high quality clips as well as their own footage, voiceover and music.
A pilot of a new and improved version of the editing tool will start at the end of October and Twig are looking for Scottish schools to participate. The pilot will be suitable for students from P5 to S6.
If you think your class would be interested in taking part, or for more information, please contact Alex,

Safe Drive Stay Alive Evening Performance – Thursday 14th November at 7.15pm

I encourage all who have young and emerging drivers in their family or who are in a position to help us promote the safe drive message to attend our special evening performance on the 14th of November 2013 at Rothes Halls in Glenrothes at 7.15pm. This year saw Safe Drive Fife win two ! national awards for its contribution in reducing Fife road casualty numbers within 16 – 25 year olds.

Please find below a flyer with details of the free show and display it on notice boards etc , please feel free to forward on to friends, family or anyone you feel would benefit from seeing this multi award winning show.

SDSA Poster

Tickets are limited so be quick !!

Note – 15 year old and over only

Teenage Girls, Physical Activity and Self-Esteem

Below you will find a course descriptor for the Teenage Girls, Physical Activity and Self-Esteem training course which has evaluated well over the last year and is designed to support staff to feel more confident around encouraging teenage girls to be more active.

Course descriptor

We are now offering interested and experienced training practitioners the opportunity to participate in a Training for Trainers course to enable others to deliver this course.

The Training for Trainers Course will be held at the Playfield Institute, Stratheden Hospital on Tuedsay 19th and Wednesday 20th November 2013.

Participants must be able to commit to both days.  Applicants will be required to complete a short questionnaire about their previous training experience. (See below)

Teenage Girls T4T application form (2)

Young Scot – Money for Life Challenge funding opportunity

Applications opening soon for the Money for Life Challenge

Do you work with young people who have ideas about how to improve money management skills in their communities? Are you looking for funding to support young single parents, young people with disabilities, young carers, and other vulnerable groups? Young Scot are offering £500 grants as part of the Money for Life Challenge.

What’s on offer?

There are 50 grants of £500 available in Scotland through the Money for Life Challenge. This includes:

·         £300 for your organisation to cover staff costs

·         £200 for the team to help run their project

The Challenge is open to teams of young people aged 16-24 in work-based learning, adult community learning, training organisations, and further education, and is designed to help young people tackle money management issues, for example around poverty or welfare reform, in relevant ways.

How does it work?

·         In collaboration with a project sponsor, teams of young people design their own project around issues that affect them. Last year’s teams addressed a wide range of topics, from camping on a budget to raising awareness of the hazards of payday lenders.

·         As a project sponsor, your role is to help your team of young people identify a money management need in their community and help them develop their project plan.

·         Each organisation can submit up to five projects to maximise impact and funding.

·         Young Scot can provide a number of resources to support your project, including examples of successful projects, guidance on how to run your project, and dedicated application support.

Why get involved?

The Money for Life Challenge can fit into existing equalities and inclusion programmes, helping empower young people to develop the practical skills they need to navigate the changing financial landscape. Challenge participants often find that their projects have given them the boost they needed to be able to get a job or progress onto education or training. Feedback from the last two years shows that young people felt they had gained:

·         confidence in their own abilities

·         leadership, communication, and teamwork skills

·         business and project management skills

·         money management skills

What next?

The application deadline is 22 November. Register your interest by contacting Allyson Doby ( or phoning 0131 313 2488. For more information, visit

Now in its third year, the Money for Life Challenge was created by Lloyds Bank. Young Scot and College Development Network are working in partnership to deliver the Challenge in Scotland.

Brewstometer – new online creativity measuring tool

Creativity is increasingly recognised as an essential higher order thinking skill for learning, life and work. A new online creativity measuring tool,Brewstometer, was launched at SLF.

The Brewstometer introduces the principles of creativity and helps learners reflect upon and evaluate any creative experience they had recently, this could include a lesson, a workshop, a performance, a gallery visit or project.

As an online resource you can use the Brewstometer as best suited to your learning environment needs, whether it be a whole class or small groups or one-to-one. The Brewstometer has been developed by Creative Scotland and Education Scotland as part of Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan