Category Archives: Art

Scottish Learning Festival 2013

Registration is now open for this year’s Scottish Learning Festival (SLF), which takes place on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 September in the SECC, Glasgow.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning will give the opening address to SLF.

In addition, there will be the keynotes from the following international renowned speakers:

  • Prof Andy Hargreaves, Thomas Moore Brennan Chair, Lynch School of Education, University of Boston;
  • Dr Avis Glaze, Edu-quest International Inc. and former Chief Student Achievement Officer of Ontario; and
  • Dr Pasi Sahlberg, Director General, Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation, Finland.

As well as round table discussions led by:

  • Prof Petra Wend; and
  • Dr Bill Maxwell and partners.

The full programme of keynotes and seminars along with details of the range of additional activities are available on the SLF website.

Seminars which may be of interest

The M Factor

Finding their Voice: Engaging teenagers with poetry and debate through rap and performance

3-18 Curriculum Impact Reviews: Creativity 3-18

Launch of Education Scotland’s Building Capacity for Continuous Improvement strategy

Global Citizenship – Bringing It All Together

Learning experiences through Glow – Partnership working

Moving image education: Screening Shorts

Expressive arts: What’s on the third horizon?

English language class arts exhibition project: East Kilbride

Short & sweet: Short films as a route to developing modern foreign languages

Look, Capture, Create

Curious and creative learners from across Scotland have been exploring the importance and beauty of Scottish Biodiversity through Scottish designer/illustrator Johanna Basford’s exhibition ‘Wonderlands’ via Glow TV. This interdisciplinary learning experience has been developed in partnership with Dundee Contemporary Arts and is being supported by Sarah Derrick, Head of Education at DCA and Anna Rossvoll, Emerging Technologies Development Officer with Education Scotland.

Look Capture Create outline for educators

Johanna Basford is an ink evangelist who creates beautifully intricate hand drawn designs using black ink. ‘Wonderlands’ is her first solo exhibition and it is proving to be a magical context for creative learning through expressive arts, science, mathematics and languages.

Before the project went live learners were invited to join the Look, Capture, Create Glow group by submitting an InkyME! The response was astounding. Currently there are  InkyMEs exhibiting from Burravoe, Carron, Clackmannan, Hythehill, Lochgelly West, Lincluden, St Andrews and St Patricks primary schools.  The InkyMEs have even travelled to Dundee to attend the first live Glow TV event ‘Wondertales’ at Dundee Contemporary Arts on 13th May.

‘Wondertales’ encouraged learners to look at the intricacy of Johanna’s designs and to capture the detail in words to create a Wondertale!  Wendy Woolfson, an incredibly talented storyteller led the event, creating breath taking stories based on three of Johanna’s wallpaper designs. She then went on to create a collaborative tale as learners submitted their ideas live during the event. You can watch Wendy in action here.

This use of an exhibition as a form of text truly captured the imagination of learners and they have submitted incredible  Wondertales to the Glow wiki.  Learners are taking the  time to read each other’s work and leave comments. It would be lovely if you could do the same. (Glow username and password required)

Keep up to date with the Look, Capture, Create Glow blog and the next Look, Capture, Create Glow TV event will take place at Dundee Botanical Gardens at 10am on the 4th June.

Post taken from Education Scotland’s Learning blog written by A.Rossvoll


Celebrate is a joint scheme originated by the Scottish Lottery Distributor’s Forum (SLDF) offering funding for events and projects which celebrate Glasgow 2014 or that are inspired by Scottish links to the 71 nations and territories which make up the Commonwealth.

Celebrate will support new and existing events and activities that mark the Games through arts, heritage, sports and local community celebrations. It will fund local celebration events and activities which stimulate greater involvement in community activity and develop your understanding as citizens of the Commonwealth. Celebrations can be a single one-off event or activities which with a celebration event.

Projects should meet one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Communities come together through arts, heritage, sports and local celebrations of the Commonwealth Games;
  • Communities celebrate the people, places and culture of the commonwealth.

You can apply if you are a:

  • voluntary and community organisation;
  • community council;
  • statutory body (such as a school, local authority or health board).

You can apply for between £500 and £10,000.

Applications to Celebrate will close at noon on Friday 12 December 2014.

Please note that your application should be sent at least three months before your project is due to start.

Contact: Celebrate, phone: 0300 123 7110e-mailwebsite ]

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award

The Jolomo Schools Painting Award sponsored by Bank of Scotland will be run for the first time in school year 2012-13.  Students from the senior phase at all Scottish secondary schools are invited to take part in the inaugural schools painting award.  Students are asked to paint and submit their interpretation of the Scottish landscape.  The winner will receive £500, with an additional £500 going to the winning schools Art Department.  The winner will also have the opportunity to be mentored by the artist John Lowrie Morrison (Jolomo).  More information can be found by clicking on ‘How to enter’ on the home page of The Jolomo Foundation website:

Ready for 2013? Art competition with theme of preparing for emergencies,0,0,0,0

Schools can take part in this competition to create pictures for a 14-month calendar. The calendar aims to communicate the importance of preparing for emergencies at home, in the community and in the car, and the easy steps that can be taken to do so.

Learners in primary and secondary schools are invited to design a picture that relates to one of the main themes, which have been categorised into topics.

For more information visit the Ready for Emergencies competition page and register today.

Road Safety design competition

Sustrans are asking young people to design a postcard on how 20 mph could improve their street – it could be a picture, a message, a poem or even a slogan. Can you be a two-zero hero and tell us how slower speed limits might change your life? Get creative and win a holiday, bike or even a BMX stunt display!,UKYQ,MPEOL,2IIEZ,1

Successful Summer School

FCA&C recently held a summer school in collaboration with the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Charitable Trust. Aimed at 5th and 6th year pupils who were hoping to go on shortly to art school, the 2 day event was experienced by 10 pupils from all over Fife. They met 3 practising artists who described their career path to date and also gave them some practical sketching exercises. It was so successful that we hope to make this an annual event. As one pupil commented on leaving “…opened my eyes as to what art college would be like and in fact really
got me excited about going.” You can’t get better than that and we wish them all a lot of success in their future.