Category Archives: Creativity

Fife Science Festival 2012

Here are some of the creative learning opportunities on offer to schools at this years Fife Science Festival…book your places now!!!

Friday 9th March

10am-12 noon & 12:30pm-2:30pm

Terrible Trebuchets and Menacing Mangonels!

Discover the science, technology and history behind the Medieval warfare in this fun and interactive workshop from Historic Scotland!

£2 per pupil, adults free, Booking is essential-contact Historic Scotland Education Office on 0131-668-8736 or email


St Andrews Castle

The Scores

St Andrews

KY16 9AR

Monday 12th March-Friday 16th March


The Weird and Wonderful World of Science

At this fun and interactive school science week, children will explore science through various science experiments and activities. Members of the public have the opportunity to attend on Friday 16th march.

Free admission, non-bookable.

Primary pupils/Families

Denbeath PS

Bancraig St



Tuesday 13th March


Our World in Motion-Mobile Communications Workshops

Find out how easy it is to construct simple electronic circuits and how much fun it is to use them in all sorts of exciting, ingenious projects.

Free admission, booking essential. Contact Dorothy Brankin on 01506-823424

Or email to book a place/

Suitable for P4-P7.

Museum of Communication

131 High Street


Fife Council


Wednesday 14th March


Green Energy Challenge

Learn all about renewable energy and how important it is in solving our future energy needs and get the opportunity to build a wind turbine at this interactive workshop.

Free admission but booking essential. Contact Liz Allen on 01383-559117 to book your class.


Whitlock Energy Collaboration Centre

Rosyth Business Park

Wood Road


KY11 2EA

Friday 16th March


Techno Games Event

A fun interactive games workshop for secondary school pupils. Pupils work in teams to make a robot, then watch as they compete against other teams in a series of challenges. Have you got what it takes to make a prize-winning robot? Free Admission but booking essential. Contact Bill Hutchison on to book a place.

Secondary pupils

Adam smith College

St Brycedale Campus

Brycedale Avenue



Monday 12th March-Friday 16th March


The Renewables Challenge

Pupils get the chance to investigate different renewable energy technologies, including wind power, solar power, hydrogen fuel cells, and more. The challenge is to build the equipment to harness the most renewable energy- and store it, if you can!

Outreach workshop. Free workshopm but booking essential. Contact Karen Ritchie at The Hydrogen Office on Karen.ritchie@the to book your place.

Primary Schools

Venue: various schools

Community day with National Museums Scotland at Methilhill Primary and Community School

The National Museums Scotland have been working with a Primary 6 class from Methilhill Primary and Community School on a partnership project, funded by the Robertson Trust, since last March.  The class have been researching and devising their own resources on the theme of Africa, based on the collections of the museum.  This box of museum objects, complete with teachers notes (researched by the pupils) will then be available for general borrowing in the Fife area initially and then around Scotland.

On Thursday 2nd February, the pupils are hosting a community day at their school to show off their work and on their behalf I would like to invite you along.  The day will run 2.30pm – 3.30pm at the school and will feature a show of an exhibition set up by the pupils and an African drum performance by the children.

National Museum of Scotland

Celebrate Architecture- Pupil’s Conference (S3 – S6)

Friday 16th March 2012, 10am – 3.30pm


A major one day pupils’ conference exploring the transformation of our new museum. Hear from the project’s architect, the award winning Gareth Hoskins and get an insight into careers in architecture from John Brennan of the University of Edinburgh. Put your questions to the experts, get advice on your portfolio and explore some of the projects key challenges.
To book please contact, or phone 0131 247 4041

Fife Children are top readers!

Glow Meet-Big Book Brain Quiz 2012

Before the fun began!
Gone for lunch!

Everyone had a fantastic day at the Big Book Brain Quiz held at the Rothes Halls on Friday…over 90 school teams took part in the hall and 61 schools with over 1, 500 participants joined in the fun online through a glow meet!

All the children did exceptionally well, proving just how much they have been reading over the last few months!
It was a very close finish and after tie-break questions the winners were announced!

1st. Park road PS
2nd. Crail PS
3rd Canongate PS

Well done the winners and to all who took part!

Scotland 2050- competition

The Scottish Qualifications Authority and Scottish Business in the Community’s inspirational new competition asks young people to develop a piece of creative work that clearly shows their vision of our future – Scotland 2050.

Ideas can be developed in four broad categories:

  • Education and Training
  • Leisure, Life and Style
  • Transport and Travel
  • Work and Careers.

All entrants have to do to enter is develop a scientific project or piece of creative work that shows their vision for Scotland 2050

St Andrews Botanic Garden

At St Andrews Botanic Garden school we provide a programme of inspirational learning for schools, families and adults. The focus is on plants, nature, biodiversity and the environment.

The Garden provides a beautiful setting in which to experience the natural environment and we use it as a learning resource to meet a broad range of learning outcomes from a Curriculum for Excellence in Science, Social Studies, Health and Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy.

Children experience native tree trails, pond dipping, nature surveys, jungle explorers, desert detectives, grow your own, feast for the senses, minibeast hunts, busy bees, Friendly Wood Scavenger Trails, Outdoor art activities and many more. To support the new curriculum we have expanded our activities to include Tree-mendous Maths this year.

We also run a Gardening Club and a Wildlife Club for children and have a fantastic range of adult workshops including willow weaving, herbs, composting, orchids, art classes and many more.

We are continuing to develop our programme and are running an Easter Club for children and taking part in the National Science and Engineering week beginning 9th March.

Education Officer Nikki Macdonald

FCLN Meeting 19/1/12 Curriculum for Excellence: Creativity and Culture

Creativity and culture across the whole of the curriculum!

Creativity and culture in Curriculum for Excellence!

Click on the image above to see why creativity is so important!

All quotes taken from the Curriculum for Excellence principles and practice documents for each subject.