Category Archives: Creativity

Drumatik Drumgroup have made it to the semi finals of the National Lottery Awards 2012!

Drumatik are an inclusive community drumming group from Fife.  They aim to challenge the stereotypical ideas that society holds about people with a learning disability and show that ALL people have gifts, skills and talents.

The 3 Arts projects with the most public votes go forward to the Lottery Awards final.  Winners will receive a £2000 cash prize.

The Voting line opens TODAY and ends on 22nd July – calls only cost 5p.  The number to call is 0844 836 9674

You can also vote online at  Drumatik are in the BEST ARTS PROJECT category.

Please help them get to the final and tell everyone you know to vote for them.  Many thanks.

The Creativity Post

The Educational Value of Creative Disobedience


In this age of innovation, even more important than being an effective problem solver, is being a problem finder. It’s one thing to look at a problem and be able to generate a solution; it is another thing to be able to look at an ambiguous situation, and decide if there is a problem that needs to be solved. That’s a skill that isn’t really targeted by traditional teaching methods, and in fact, it is often discouraged. Rule-breaking , to an extent, should be tolerated and encouraged, and yes—even taught. To reach this end, we should be teaching and encouraging creative disobedience.

Click here to read the full article

Creative Week 9th-13th July


Stand by for the first ever UK Creative Week.

Packed with interactive debates, lively discussions and in-depth demonstrations broadcast live online. You won’t want to miss a thing.

With creative industry luminaries, tech experts and special guests we’ll be discussing where the creative industries are heading – and who’s in danger of getting left behind.

You can watch the whole thing or dip in and dip out whenever you want – just make sure you don’t miss it

Click here for more info

Have you used Glow Science yet?

Glow Science includes over 650 short films that hundreds of teachers are using to enrich and support their teaching in the sciences and technologies. Tailored to Curriculum for Excellence – and tagged to levels 2, 3 and 4 – the films provide teachers with accurate and engaging visuals for the teaching of science, technology, and health and wellbeing.

All resources are free with your Glow log-in.

Curriculum for Excellence

Click on the image

BeXcellent website

A new website which will bring Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) to life for young people has been launched by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament, in partnership with the Scottish Government.


is the first CfE resource created specifically for children and young people, and offers an easy-to-understand approach to the new curriculum and the personalised, creative learning it promotes. The site was developed in consultation with groups of children and young people and features a simple guide to the new curriculum as well as activities designed to stimulate independent learning and new ways of thinking.

There is also a competition on the website which is open to anyone living in Scotland who is 18 years or under.

A national celebration of reading

Scotland will host its first ever national week-long celebration of reading in 2012 – The Year of Creative Scotland, Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop announced yesterday.

The Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs joined author Ian Rankin and Scotland’s Makar Liz Lochhead at the Writer’s Museum in Edinburgh yesterday, to announce that Book Week Scotland will be held from Monday November 26 until Sunday December 2, 2012. 
People the length and breadth of Scotland will be encouraged to engage in the first ever week-long national celebration of reading, and to participate in a range of free events to be held throughout the week. 

Initiated by the Scottish Government, Book Week Scotland will be delivered on behalf of Creative Scotland by Scottish Book Trust, the leading agency for the promotion of literature, reading and writing in Scotland.

Read more here

Early Years Matters magazine online survey – please take part

Education Scotland’s Early Years Matters magazine is published twice yearly in the spring and autumn. The Early Years team at Education Scotland is keen to seek the views of early years practitioners on this professional development publication in order to inform future issues. 

We would like to invite practitioners to take part in an online survey which will only take a few moments but will be hugely beneficial to the editorial team. Responses are anonymous and will be held in the strictest of confidence.

Please complete the survey by 22 June 2012.

Discover Aberdour Castle!

Visit Aberdour Castle as part of your class project and book a session with the Monument Manager.  Each session includes a tour of the castle and an interactive activity.  NEW for 2012! Try your hand at 16th century dance complete with lords and ladies costume.

Suitable for P1-P7

Tuesdays only

Duration 90 minutes

Maximum number 33 pupils


Contact Aberdour Castle to book a session on 01383 860 519


Did you guess the secret?



Video       Video     Video

A FLASHMOB of children from four Dunfermline primary schools performed a secret song they helped compose called ‘Fife goes Olympic’.

Around 170 primary 6 &7 youngsters gave unsuspecting shoppers at the Kingsgate Shopping Centre a big surprise yesterday when they performed their song for the first time ahead of the Olympic Torch Relay in Dunfermline.

The pupils from Cairneyhill, Duloch, St Margaret’s RC and St Leonards Primary Schools have been working together on the top secret project which was supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland and Fife Council under the ‘Summer of Song: Celebrating the Olympic Torch in Scotland’ banner.

The children wrote their very own Olympic Song for Fife during a songwriting process which was led by musicians from Edinburgh based charity, Fischy Music.

The charity worked with the children over the course of four weeks to compose their song and co-ordinate their special flashmob surprise.

Also helping to support the performance on the day were the Kingsgate Shopping Centre Management team and representatives from Queen Anne Singers and Dunfermline Choral Union.

As a thank you to the hard work and dedication of the children, the staff, Fischy Music and Fife Council’s Cultural Partnerships Team to make this flashmob happen, please help us promote Fife’s Secret Song – ‘Fife Goes Olympic’ far and wide.  Tell everyone you know to go to to view Fife Council’s flashmob clip and also search Dunfermline Flashmob which a parent kindly put up o f almost the full concert!  Get ‘sharing’, ‘blogging’ and ‘tweeting’!