All posts by Ms Higgins

Curriculum for Excellence

CfE Briefing – Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase, Part 3: Curriculum Planning at the Senior Phase

The next publication in the popular series of CfE Briefings is now available on the Education Scotland website and is titled Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase, Part 3: Curriculum Planning at the Senior Phase.

This latest addition to the series explores the ways in which schools are changing the curriculum at the Senior Phase and how they are building progressively on the 3-15 Broad General Education (BGE). It should be read alongside CfE Briefings 6 and 7.

Resource Calendar


The events in this calendar are celebrations, awareness days and action weeks covering topical issues relevant for schools. The calendar includes details of websites and support materials related to each event. These resources can assist in planning activities for learners.

Events in March include Climate week (4-10 March), World Book Day (7 March), International Women’s Day (8 March) and Commonwealth Day (11 March).

Glow TV Events

The Vikings! at the National Museum of Scotland 
4 March 2.00 pm – 2.40 pm 

What were the Vikings really like? Fierce warriors in horned helmets or peaceful farmers and traders? 

Join experts at the National Museum of Scotland to explore some amazing real and replica Viking objects, which might help you to decide.

A Man Came to A Women Glow Meet 
6 March 1.45 pm – 2.30 pm

Join acclaimed Russian director Natalya Leonova for a sneak peek into the rehearsal room while she works on ‘A Man Came to a Woman’ with two Scottish based actors. This is a rare opportunity to watch a professional at work and see live the different rehearsal techniques Natalya uses to enable the actors to become equipped to perform the piece.


We’ve extended the deadline for Project Y applications to Friday 8 March – that’s a whole extra week to fill out the application form and sort out a head shot.

If you’re still not sure whether to apply or not then don’t take our word for it listen to what some of our previous Project Y dancers have to say

And don’t be put off by the costs involved, particularly for the Performance Course. We have  bursaries on offer and are happy to help you with other fundraising suggestions. 

So don’t delay, apply now and next year the photos below could be of you!

National Museum of Scotland – Scotland a Changing Nation? Debate

Pupil Conference

Scotland in the 21st Century: A Changing Nation?

Wednesday 12th June 2013

10.30 – 15.00

Hosted by the National Museum of Scotland and supported by the Scottish Parliament Education Service this will be an exciting opportunity for senior pupils (S4-6) to take part in discussion, activities and debate.

How is Scotland changing? What effects will the changes have on our culture, economy, communities

and the very landscape we inhabit? Find out about the issues and get involved in this big debate.


Chair: Lesley Riddoch

Speakers/ workshop leaders:

Gerry Hassan, writer and political

Andy Wightman, writer and land rights campaigner

Michael Keating, Professor of Politics, University of Aberdeen; recently published, The Independence of Scotland: Self-government and the Shifting Politics of Union.

Emily Sharp, MSYP for Shetland

The event will include workshop sessions, pupil interaction, Q&A with panel and the opportunity for pupils to think about how changes in Scotland might affect their own lives.

This free event is open to all Scottish Schools.

Please book by emailing or phoning 0131 247 4041

Places are limited to 200 pupils so please book promptly to avoid disappointment.

Too far to travel?

Let us know and we will use new media to ensure your voice is heard.

Adventures in Improvised Living – building wellbeing, resilience and learning power through outdoor exploration and discovery

Click on the image for more infoEducation Scotland would like to invite practitioners working in upper primary and secondary to this event, particularly those interested in developing their outdoor practice to achieve Professional Recognition in Outdoor Learning from GTCS.

To attend this event, please complete the registration form here.

You will need the name and contact details of the lead officer nominating you for this event in order to register. We will confirm places on 4 March and send you a detailed programme for the day then.

Find out more here