Catalyst: Inspiring Arts Ideas for Teachers

Struggle for confidence when teaching the arts? Looking for some fresh lesson ideas you can use across the curriculum? Catalyst is a programme of inspiring arts-based teacher training days running across the academic year.

Each Catalyst day is designed to help integrate the arts into your teaching practice. During the day you will work with professional artists and practitioners to build confidence in using the arts. Workshops will teach techniques and skills that you will feel confident to use across the curriculum.

The day will pass on interactive and innovative teaching ideas for P3 to P6. Each event will work with two art forms from: poetry, visual arts, drama, storytelling, dance and music.

There are a maximum of 30 places available per day so we strongly recommend booking soon as places fill up quickly. Catalyst 11.12 Booking Form

Thanks to generous funding from the Maaike McInnes Charitable Trust each day costs just £45 per person which includes lunch and a free copy of our 120 page Teachers Book.

Our Scotland dates for 2011/12 are:

25th April – Palace of Hollyrood, Edinburgh – Visual Art & Poetry

11th May – Aberdeen Arts Centre – Drama & Music

26th & 27th April – Dumfries House, Ayrshire – art forms tbc, call for more info

 For more information and to book please email or call 020 3326 2230

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