National Youth Arts Strategy:Focus Group Roadshows

Creative Scotland is leading the development of Scotland’s first National Youth Arts Strategy. The strategy isn’t Creative Scotland’s, it’s Scotland’s and we would like you to join the conversation.

It will have the vision of establishing Scotland as an international leader in youth arts. Perhaps you think we already are? We need to hear your thoughts and opinions to help shape and inform the strategy. If you’re committed to enriching children & young people’s lives through the arts whether you’re an artist, parent, arts organisation or any other agency working with children or young people then we hope that you can join us at one of the focus groups meeting.PLEASE NOTE: These focus groups are specifically for service providers but Young Scot are running a number of consultations with young people on our behalf.

We’re expecting spaces to fill up fast as numbers for each venue are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Local Event: Glenrothes, Rothes Halls, 14 Feb, 2.30pm – 4.30pm

Twitter – If you want to join the national youth arts conversation on twitter then use the #tag: #YouthArtsScot to get us trending!

Young Scot Online Questionnaire – this one’s for young people aged 11-26yrs old to complete. We’d be grateful if you could forward to young people you work with, post it on your website or promote across your networks.

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