Boy in the Striped Pyjamas book and film events, will run on 19th March (Carnegie Hall), 20th March (Regent Cinema) and 25th March (Adam Smith Theatre).
As always there are class sets of the books available for loan, on a first come first served basis, and there will be a short sharing session after the film to encourage children to think about and discuss the impact the film/book has had on them.
Ticket prices are still £2.50 per seat, or £5.00 including coach travel.
There are a limited number of seedcorn grants available to fund transport (schools who successfully claim seedcorn funding or organise their own transport pay £2.50 per seat; schools who are unsuccessful in claiming seedcorn funding and still wish me to arrange their transport pay £5.00 per seat).
All relevant forms are below, and should be returned directly to:
Please note that invoices for these events will be sent in the new financial year.
Any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!