The SEE programme was developed by CREATE, the Highland Centre for Enterprise and Innovation at Inverness College UHI in association with the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education. The Scottish Funding Council has awarded funding to support regional participation in this highly innovative educator development programme which will be run in association with College Development Network.
It will be of benefit to experienced educators or curriculum leaders (from head of section to senior management team) with the energy and entrepreneurial drive to develop the college sector of the future.
The programme will begin with a full-day seminar focusing on enterprise and entrepreneurship in education, particularly but not exclusively in the UK. This will be followed by a three day residential which is designed to develop group relationships, provide challenging immersive experiences and opportunities to develop as a professional entrepreneurial educator. The programme closes with a final day to consolidate learning and plan for the future.
You will find further information about the programme and application process on the College Development Network website. The closing date for applications is Friday 11 October 2013.