Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN)

Fife’s Creative Learning Network (FCLN) is now coming into its 3rd year of development.  In 2012/13 the network increased its membership to 150 individuals (made up of a range of creative/cultural organisations and teachers from Fife) and supported the development of 25 creative learning and 4 event/networking opportunities within Fife.  Additional to this, the FCLN managed to capture 7 creative learning opportunities through the Network, which had either been funded by strategic partners or external funders.

A temporary Glow Development Officer post was funded from 3 September 2012 until 1 March 2013 to continue with the development of the FCLN Glow Group and Blog and to ensure that all FCLN social networking was current and up to date.   This post was filled by Amanda Higgins, Teacher from Kirkcaldy West Primary School and FCLN would like to thank Amanda for the hard work and passion for creative learning as an educator that contributed to these developments.  FAST FACT:  In early March 2013, the Blog had reached 9005 hits!

From 13 May 2013, we have been very lucky to secure volunteer support to continue the development work of the FCLN Blog and Glow Group from Olivia Wexelstein.  Olivia has introduced a new discussion thread called #creativemonday.  Have you had a chance to interact with Twitter and Facebook to let us know about your creative learning experiences under this hashtag?

Olivia is currently on secondment at RM Education involved in staff training and development using Glow, the online community for Scottish schools.  Olivia is very passionate about the use of emerging technologies in the classroom to help embed ICT throughout the curriculum. Over the last 20 years she has developed a very high level of skill using various elements of ICT with a recent focus on Glow. Using her in depth experience Olivia can very quickly see the impact that using IT has had in her classroom.

We are delighted to have Olivia on board until the end of June to ensure that we are keeping you abreast of creative opportunities, developments and news … locally and nationally.

If you would like to become a member of Fife’s Creative Learning Network, please contact Heather Gibson on 01592 583255 or email

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