
One Day Digital events for young people are running as part of a campaign to get more young people in Scotland creating digital content, rather than just consuming it.

Our twitter is @Onedaydigital and facebook /OneDayDigital. Young people have to sign up here to guarantee their place.

Places are free on a first come first served basis and we give them everything they need- lunch, expert support from industry, laptops and software ( thanks very much indeed to O2)- all they have to do is sign-up here and choose the city they want to take part in.

Our partners include Mozilla, Young Rewired State, Coder Dojo, STV, Mak Lab, BBC, Quartic Llama and Dundee University and we have really cool equipment for them to use including raspberry pi, arduino boards as well as 3d printers.

Our dates:

Saturday 2nd March- DUNDEE

Saturday 16th March- ABERDEEN

Saturday 23rd March- GLASGOW

Saturday 30th March- EDINBURGH (part of Edinburgh Science Festival)

What can you do at One Day Digital? Its stuff you normally don’t get at school:

  • 3D Printing: Hosted by MakLab, Scotland’s first open access digital fabrication studio. In this session you can create and print a 3D model. You willuse 3D software to design and then with the help of the experts from MakLab print the physical object on a 3D printer. You can even take the model you created home with you!
  • Raspberry Pi: Design and code behaviours for your own video game character and put it to the test all on a Raspberry Pi, a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. This stream will introduce the basics of programming for video games using the Python programming language. You’ll come away with a customised character and your very own game that you can keep working on after the event!
  • Coder Dojo: Build and publish your own HTML5 web site or web app with the CoderDojo coding club. No previous coding experience is necessary. You will work with CoderDojo mentors to design and develop your digital creation. By the end of the day, you will publish your new digital creation to the web where you can share it with your friends and family. After the session, we will keep your creation online, and we will show you how you can download it so you’ll be ready to develop version 2!
  • Young Rewired State: Coding is for everyone! Learn how to create cool stuff the ‘hackathon’ way by coming along, learning a thing or two about coding, and working with likeminded people to create awesome things using technology. To participate in this session you will require an intermediate knowledge of coding.
  • Arduino: Design and prototype your own physical app using Arduino micro controllers. This is a fast paced, hands on workshop where you can use your own ideas and experiment with electronics and code.
  • Mozilla Popcorn: YouTube’s all well and good, but what if you could add extra stuff to your videos? What if you could pull in things from around the Web – LIVE and in real-time? In this workshop Mozilla (the people behind the Firefox web browser) will be demoing Popcorn, a brand new video editing tool. You’ll learn to remix videos in ways you never thought possible! From campaign videos to just messing around and having a laugh, Popcorn’s a free and open tool you can use for just about anything! (EDINBURGH ONLY EVENT)
  • Digital Storytelling Techniques with STV: Are you a budding journalist? Come along and take part in this session hosted by STV to find out more about the digital story-telling techniques they use to deliver the news. Timelines, maps, streams and info-graphics are used every day to help inform viewers, in this session you will use these tools to tell your story. (EDINBURGH ONLY EVENT)
  • Stop-Frame Animation with BBC: Why not try stop-frame animation and bring your story to life with BBC Scotland L.A.B. In groups we will story board, make models, animate, add sound effects and music to create a short film by the end of the day. All you have to do is … be prepared to work as part of a team, be creative and have fun! The session is ideal if you have never done any animation before. (GLASGOW AND ABERDEEN ONLY EVENT)


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