Curiosity and Creativity: Science, Art and Writing
Tuesday 29th January
Auchterderran Centre
Brought to you by Fife’s Creative Learning Network, get creative with the cross-curricular session and learn how art and writing can contribute prositively in science and learning. Be inspired and stimulated with some fresh ideas that incorporate art and writing techniques in your projects! Ideas from this session can be used for all ages of pupils.
In this session, delegates will learn about science, art and writing projects and how to go about delivering them in the classroom, with key techniques and resources to support these projects.
Additionally, participants will become familiar with two of Dundee Science Centre’s loan boxes which are based around science and literacy projects.
CfE links: EXA 0-02a/1-02a, EXA 0-04a/1-04a, EXA 0-05a/1-05a/2-05a, TCH 1-08a/2-08a, TCH 0-15a
Click here to register