A flashmob of children from four Dunfermline primary schools performed a secret song they helped compose called ‘Fife goes Olympic’ today.
Around 170 primary 6 &7 youngsters gave unsuspecting shoppers at the Kingsgate Shopping Centre a big surprise when they performed their song for the first time ahead of the Olympic Torch Relay in Dunfermline.
The pupils from Cairneyhill, Duloch, St Margaret’s RC and St Leonards Primary Schools have been working together on the top secret project which was supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland and Fife Council under the ‘Summer of Song: Celebrating the Olympic Torch in Scotland’ banner.
The children wrote their very own Olympic Song for Fife during a songwriting process which was led by musicians from Edinburgh based charity, Fischy Music.
The charity worked with the children over the course of four weeks to compose their song and co-ordinate their special flashmob surprise.
Fischy Music has worked directly with children for over 14 years and their resources, promoting emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing, are used in thousands of schools across the UK and beyond.
Also helping to support the performance on the day were the Kingsgate Shopping Centre Management team and representatives from Queen Anne Singers and Dunfermline Choral Union.
Heather Gibson, Area Cultural Co-ordinator from Fife Council who lead the project said: “This really has been a top secret project as we wanted to make sure everyone got a big surprise!
We were delighted to receive funding from Creative Scotland and the council to make this project come to life. We also worked closely with the council’s Education Service who advised us on potential schools to develop the project with and also recommended the specialised skills Fischy Music could bring to this very exciting idea.
I’d like to thank them, the children and staff from the schools involved, who really embraced this idea from the very beginning and who were delighted to be involved in making Fife Secret Song a reality.”
As a thank you to the hard work and dedication of the children, the staff, Fischy Music and Fife Council’s Cultural Partnerships Team to make this flashmob happen, please help us promote Fife’s Secret Song – ‘Fife Goes Olympic’ far and wide. Tell everyone you know to go to www.youtube.com/Thefifecouncil to view Fife Council’s flashmob clip and also search Dunfermline Flashmob which Colin Weaver (parent) kindly put up of almost the full concert! Get ‘sharing’, ‘blogging’ and ‘tweeting’!