“Stop Vandalism in Your Community” Storyboard Competition – Shortlist Announced

Say4schools recently launched a competition for Primary 6 and 7 pupils in Fife Schools to create a short storyboard on the theme of “Stop Vandalism in Your Community”.

The initiative is a joint partnership between Fife’s Community Safety Panels, Fife Education Service, Fife Constabulary and Adam Smith College and is now in its second year.  The aim of the initiative is to deliver messages of safety through cartoons, animation or pupil voices.

The competition has been a great success and attracted over 700 entries from schools all over Fife.  The quality of entries has been outstanding and the judges had a difficult time choosing the 21 shortlisted entries (3 from each Community Safety Area) to attend an Awards Ceremony on Thursday 21 June at Auchterderran Centre, where the winner will be announced.

A big thank you to all pupils who entered the competition – you’re all small genius’ with great imaginations.

Click on the link to see all shorlisted entries http://bit.ly/KSBo0R

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