Say 4 Schools Competition – 5th March-20th April 2012

Fife’s Community Safety Panels, Fife Police, Adam Smith College and the Fife Education Service are launching a competition to create a storyboard on the theme of “Stop Vandalism in your Community”.

This competition is open to all Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils in Fife’s primary schools

Vandalism is damage or destruction to someone else’s property and creates a negative impression in your community. If left, it can often lead to more vandalism occurring

To enter or for more details please go to


One thought on “Say 4 Schools Competition – 5th March-20th April 2012”

  1. As the communtiy safety officer for the Cowdenbeath area, I can help out with P6 and 7 classes get a head start for ideas in this competition. I can be contacted at Cowdenbeath on the non emergemcy number 0845 600 5702. Gary Kenhard Pc 275

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