Morag Young, Physical Education Lead Officer, in Falkirk Council Education Services, Curriculum Support Team has been engaging in series of meetings supporting the delivery of quality physical education in Falkirk primary schools. These meetings with Headteachers of Denny and Graeme cluster primary schools were to explore a variety of ways in which schools were able to meet the delivery of the 2 hour target to fulfil the pupil entitlement. These discussions provide the means to share different solutions to the different contexts in relation to staffing, accomodation and resources to name but a few.
Category: Laurieston Primary School
ICT Resources to Support Physical Education in the Primary School
Malcolm Wilson, ICT Curriculum Development Officer in the Curriculum Support Team of Falkirk Council Education Services, presented a session with class teachers and visiting specialist teachers of physical education on ICT resources to support teaching physical education in the primary school.
The session started by everyone having go at the dance steps provided with the dance mat to all Falkirk primary schools (along with the free software installed on all PCs). More information about that can be found here:
Glow Groups for teachers of PE
The session included time to browse the planning and support materials for teachers of PE which can be found in various Glow groups which included the following:
Falkirk Glow group for teachers of PE
Curriculum for Excellence Expanded Experiences & Outcomes (Falkirk Planners) PE
Falkirk PE resources in Glow group for Health & Wellbeing
National Glow group for teaching PE
Online Resource Sites
Online resources which were highlighted included the following: ideas for classroom, hall, outdoors or in the home – includes on-screen dance robot simulator Cybraryman resources by category PE Scholar PhysEdSource – categories include gymnastics, sport/games, individual, outdoor, dance, health, research includes games skills cards/infographics posters, apps, blog, podcast, pupil recognition cards crowd-sources ideas shared by teachers, warm-up and cool-down ideas, games, sports.
Smartboard Smart Notebook Resources
SMART Board SMART Notebook PE resources can be found in Notebook by clicking on “Gallery” – enter “sport” in search box
Blog about class PE
Creating a class PE blog can help raise profile of PE, promote positive pupil esteem, share learning of PE activities Resources to get staretd blogging can be found here:
Activity Timers and Random Name Selectors
A host of online or downloadable countdown timers & stopwatches, and random name, group or activity selectors, can be found here:
Teachers of PE on Twitter
Twitter provides access to a Professional Learning Network of colleagues sharing PE teaching ideas. Resources and a guide to setting up a Twitter account and how to use can be found here: A short video guide “Twitter for PE Teachers” including how to get started, how to find others, use of Hashtags and more can be found here:
QR codes and PE
QR codes provide quick access via smartphone QR code scanner to videos or explanatory onlien resources without any need to type in long website addresses. For examples of use of printed Step-by-step guides linked by QR codes to associated PE skills demonstration videos follow this link:
This Video shows a report of one teachers use at a school fitness trail
For resources to find out how to make you own QR codes follow this link here:
Making Videos to show PE skills
Use digital video cameras for pupils to see their performance after they have finished and to compare it against their peers or against videos of professional athletes. Resources here for video cameras: Resources for editing video: here for making videos from still image photographs:
Comments from participants included:
“I intend to use Photostory 3 especially for gymnastics.”
“Excellent course!”
Getting Ready for Employee Review and Development!
All our schools are moving forward on implementing the new Employee Review and Development (Glow login required) process( ERD). Some have already begun while others are getting ready. Anne Hutchison (CPD Co-ordinator in the Curriculum Support team of Falkirk Council Education Services) co-leads the implementation strategy at service level along with Anne Pearson (Service Manager: Curriculum Support team) and today they were out and about in schools across Falkirk working with staff from Grangemouth High, Graeme High, Laurieston, Hallglen, Victoria and Westquarter primary schools. Preparation is key to getting this effective way of working off on the right foot. So what were we doing?
1. Speaking to support staff to let them know that they are key players in supporting the delivery of high quality teaching and learning for all children and young people
2.Raising awareness of what an ERD meeting looks, feels and sounds like. Big thanks to Hazel Cunningham (Primary Probationer Supporter:Curriculum Support team) and Fiona Anderson (HT: Head of Muir PS) who bravely modelled the role of a self evaluator whilst Anne H and Anne P acted as Validators. The role of a validator is to support, extend and challenge the self-evaluator.
Everyone has a role in this important improvement priority. During January and February of this year all Headteachers and Early Years Managers are using their work profile as a self evaluation tool in preparation for their ERD meeting. To support them in their preparation a series of 90 minute training sessions have been designed and delivered by the Curriculum Support team . By session 2014-15 the aim is that:- all Falkirk schools are implementing the revised scheme
- the revised ERD scheme is integrated with schools’ ongoing self evaluation and quality improvement processes
- we can see evidence of cultural change in relation to self evaluation
- GTCS registered staff are well prepared for Professional Update
- we can see evidence of the impact of ERD on our children and young people’s learning experiences