Scots Poetry

As per a request from Primary 1 the words to the Scots poem Ma Wee Rid Motor can be found below.

We have a feeling you will be able to say it off by heart very soon!

In my wee rid motor,
I can gang for miles,
Up and doon the gairden,
Through the lobby whiles.

Mony a bigger motor
Gangs tae toons afaur.
Nane can gang whaur I gang
In my wee rid caur

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Faith Schools’ Joint Campus Transition Project

As part of our planned transition activties with the pupils of St Cadoc’s we investigated Scot’s language in January and shared this information via PowerPoint with each other.

We read familiar tales in Scots language, sung old Scots songs and looked at images of places in Scotland that speak Scots language today.

As we are leaning animal words in Ivrit we decided to teach our fellow P1s animal words in Scots (which just so happened to got in with our favourite tale Whit the Clockleddy Heard).

We made a powerpoint showing the following words:

dug – dog

grumphie – pig

cuddy – horse

coo – cow

yowe – sheep

The children from St Cadoc’s shared their research into famous Scottish poems with us, including the poem ‘The Wee Rid Caur’.

We loved finding our what the children in St Cadoc’s have been learning and sharing our knowledge and experience with them.

“We were both learning about Scots language at the same time so we will both know the same things when we move to the new school.” – Katie

“It was nice to see that we can learn with other P1s even though we are not in their actual real classroom. That was new.” – Jasper

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Burns Day 2017

Last week we celebrated the life and works of a very famous Scottish Poet: Robert Burns.

We watched the clip below to listen for information about Robert Burns and used our note taking skills to record what we learned in our jotters.

We were inspired by Robert Burns and had a go at writing and saying our own rhymes and songs. Mrs Waterson was very impressed at our ability to identify and generate our own rhyming families, we think we did Rabbie proud!


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Artist Study Week 2

In Week 2 of our Artist Study we have been exploring the French artist Claude Monet.  He was a painter who used materials to imply a picture rather than draw it exactly as we would see it.

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We discovered these interesting facts about Monet:

  • You can tell he was born and lived a long time ago because the photos of him have no colour in them – Jamin
  • He liked to paint pictures of nature and not really people. We know these are called landscapes. – Nina
  • We draw a picture by colouring in the lines. Monet used lots of little brush marks together to make his picture and no lines. – Zac

Take a look at the paintings we were most inspired by below:

Image result for famous monet paintingsImage result for famous monet paintings

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Some of us preferred Monet’s pieces to Kandinsky’s because they were clearly paintings of objects we know. Miss Dunn told us this was because Kandinsky was an Abstract artist.


Try and investigate what this word means at home!

What an Arty Bunch.

Primary 1 are a class full of budding artists! We have shown a keen interest in art and design this term and as a result we have turned our easel area into an artist exploration area.

Each week we will learn about a new artist and explore using their styles, subjects and techniques at our easel.

Today we learned all about an artist called Kandinsky.

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Some of the facts we learned were:

  • Kandinsky was born and lived a long time ago – Lucy MacInnes
  • Kandinsky was a Russian artist – Phoebe
  • Kandinsky was also a musician who made music – Jamin
  • Kandinsky used bright colours and shapes to make his pictures – Noah

Some of us liked Kandinsky’s work and some of us did not. We discussed the fact this was OK as we all have our own likes and dislikes.

Check the blog at the end of the week for some examples of our work.


Weather Warnings!

Many of us have been hearing the words weather warnings on the news and weather reports. We decided to investigate this further on our Social Studies and Science time this afternoon.

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We explored different types of extreme weather, from floods to tornadoes. Many of us knew lots of facts about different types of weather. Look at some of these below:

Katie: “I know that tornadoes happen in countries like America. They don’t really happen here in our country. They are like spinning wind that is very dangerous. ”

Ian: “A drought is when it is so so hot that you need your sunglasses and no rain comes. It can be over 34 degrees! Then all the plants and vegetables don’t grown because they need rainwater.”

We used clips from BBC Newsround to investigate the extreme weather happening across Europe just now. Many countries who are usually hot countries are experiencing heavy snowfall. We discussed how a country could be prepared or not prepared for such weather.

Following on from our discussion about snow Miss Dunn showed us magic snow we can use in the classroom. It was not cold and did not melt in your hand nut looked just like snow. We followed the instructions to make it and practised writing our names in it.

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We even wrote our own weather forecasts with Miss Lindsay for the rest of the week. We predicted deep, deep snow!




Warm Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to all of our Primary 1 children and parents. We have enjoyed sharing tales of our exciting holiday adventures over the past few days and have written about some in our news jotters.

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We would also like to mention a warm welcome to Miss Rachael Lindsay a new member of staff in Calderwood Lodge. Miss Lindsay is a new class teacher at Calderwood Lodge and will be supporting the learning and teaching across the infant department this term.  Primary 1 look forwards to working with Miss Lindsay in Literacy and Numeracy during Team Teaching sessions. Feel free to come and chat to Miss Lindsay at dismissal time at the end of the day.

What the Candles Saw…

Thank you to all the grown ups who came to see us perform in our show “What the Candles Saw” exploring Chanukah from the candles perspective.

We all had an amazing time and the feedback from our audience was first class – apparently it was even cuter than last year!

Please see the photos below for an individual snapshot of your children in their great costumes!

Sevi Von Investigations

We have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes this term. The triangles group have been exploring 2D shapes such as circle and square and the square and circles groups have been learning about complex 2D shapes such as pentagon and 3D shapes such as cube and sphere.


We have enjoyed using construction materials to make these shapes and took this a little further today. We decided to use magnetic shapes to try and build our very own Sevi Von!

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We realised that you could make 3D shapes from 2D shapes, and Miss Dunn explained this was called a net. We used a net of a Sevi Von to try and make our own. It was tricky but we learned that if at first you find it tricky you try again with a new plan or the help of others.

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