Category Archives: Numeracy and Mathematics

Squares- 6/12/17

Today in Numeracy we started to learn all about money.  We know all the differetn coins and notes and can order them. We used coins to make different totals. We then used different coins to make the same total.

It was a bit tricky at first but now I can do it.  Alice

We made the totals in two different ways! Becca


Numeracy this week!

This week every group has been working so hard in NUmeracy!


We have been learning about subtracting. We can accurately subtract from numbers up to 10!


This week we have been leanring about numers. We have been using tens ans units and talking about numbers in words and digits.


We learned how to do algebra! We know that you can find the value of a symbol by solving a calculations. We also solved calculations to find missing numbers.

Numeracy this week

Circels: This week in Numeracy we have been learning about money. We have been adding and taking away different totals.

It has been very tricky work but it gets easier when we practise.  Ava and Noah

We will be able to use our pennies when we go shopping!



This week in Numeracy we have been learning numbers up to 15. We have been addinng, finding missing numbers and using chimney calculataions- Katie

We used tens and units to help us- Nina



This week we have been leanring our number bonds to 10!

We have been writing down our number bonds and adding 3 digits together! Isaac

Numeracy Week!

This week is Numeracy week!

Primary Two went to visit St Clares Primary and completed lots of different numeracy challengs with them. We played games with dice, bean bags and skittles. We made patterns and matched different shapes.

I loved the adding games. – Lucy M

I liked throwing bean bags. We threw the bean bags and counted the total. Zac

I liked working with the boys and girls from St Clares- Ava

What a Challenge!


The green group were using their before reading strategies to discuss their new reading book: The Magic Trident.

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We noticed a Killer Whale was a character in the storybook. Noah explained that a Killer Whale is also called an Orca Whale.

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“I also know that Orca’s are 800cm long!” – Noah.

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That got us thinking! It was such a large measurement we couldn’t really imagine it in our heads.

Miss Dunn suggested using a meter stick to help us out.

Miss Dunn: We have a meter stick! One meter is 100cm.

Lori: But the whale is 800cm, not just 100cm.

Toby: We can’t measure it with that stick.

Miss Dunn: I wonder what we could do then…?

Lucy: We will have to just use that one. Like over and over.

Noah: One stick is 100cm. There are 800cm. I think we could use the stick 8 times or something.


We trialled this theory out. It turns out 800cm was using the meter stick 8 times.

Noah also told us that a giant squid was 1800cm.

Miss Dunn: Another way of saying that number is eighteen hundred. Can anyone make a prediction about this measurement?

Alice: There will be 18 sticks! Not 18 sticks, we don’t have 18 sticks. We will like have to use it 18 times again and again and over.

It turns out Alice was correct….. and a giant squid is the length of the fire escape at our classroom to the girls toilets – 18 of the measure sticks in total.

Say Those Stories!

The  circles and squares group have been revisiting their stories of numbers all last week.

It’s really important we explore and remember our stories of numbers with rapid recall as these form the foundations for addition and subtraction concepts we explore in First Level.

Have a look at some fun ways to explore these at home:

Basketball Bounce:

Bounce a basketball to each other. On each bounce of the ball say a story of a given number. Keep going until all stories have been said.

Speed Trial:

Roll a die. Time your child to see how quickly they can record all the stories of that number. Set a personal best and try to beat this.


Say a story of a number. Challenge your child to state the twin of this story. E.g. 5 + 3 = 8 is a twin of 3 + 5 =8.

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Sevi Von Investigations

We have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes this term. The triangles group have been exploring 2D shapes such as circle and square and the square and circles groups have been learning about complex 2D shapes such as pentagon and 3D shapes such as cube and sphere.


We have enjoyed using construction materials to make these shapes and took this a little further today. We decided to use magnetic shapes to try and build our very own Sevi Von!

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We realised that you could make 3D shapes from 2D shapes, and Miss Dunn explained this was called a net. We used a net of a Sevi Von to try and make our own. It was tricky but we learned that if at first you find it tricky you try again with a new plan or the help of others.

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Money, Money, Money!

This week we have been exploring money in class.

We are learning to identify, total and correctly make different amounts of money.

Image result for child with money clip art

We are adding a shop into our home corner to further explore this learning.

Here are a few tips to try at home:

  • use a variety of coins and crayons to make coin rubbings – try and identify each coin from the rubbing
  • give your child their own purse with real coins in it and pretend play shops
  • use the food offers leaflets that come through the post to discuss amounts and values of money – scan for how many £ signs you can see

Image result for uk sterling coins

Counting in 5s

Today the squares and circles maths groups learned the mental maths skill of counting in 5s.

We counted fingers and counters in groups of 5 then discovered it would help us to total money when counting using 5p.

Here is a fun song to dance along to at home to support this skill….

….and a slightly funkier one!


2D shapes

We have been learning all about 2D shapes this week. Our EducationCity homework this week will reflect this.

We used 2D shapes to create images and pictures.

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We also discussed the properties of 2D shapes.


“A square has four sides all the same” –  Nina

“A hexagon has six sides. We have a hexagon table in our classroom!” – Zac

Jasper asked an interesting question. He asked if there was a shape with 100 sides! We used our researching skills to find the answer. A hectogon is a 100 sided shape, but its sides are so small it looks like a circle.

Image result for shape with 100 sides