Category Archives: Literacy and English

Burns Day 2017

Last week we celebrated the life and works of a very famous Scottish Poet: Robert Burns.

We watched the clip below to listen for information about Robert Burns and used our note taking skills to record what we learned in our jotters.

We were inspired by Robert Burns and had a go at writing and saying our own rhymes and songs. Mrs Waterson was very impressed at our ability to identify and generate our own rhyming families, we think we did Rabbie proud!


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Weather Warnings!

Many of us have been hearing the words weather warnings on the news and weather reports. We decided to investigate this further on our Social Studies and Science time this afternoon.

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We explored different types of extreme weather, from floods to tornadoes. Many of us knew lots of facts about different types of weather. Look at some of these below:

Katie: “I know that tornadoes happen in countries like America. They don’t really happen here in our country. They are like spinning wind that is very dangerous. ”

Ian: “A drought is when it is so so hot that you need your sunglasses and no rain comes. It can be over 34 degrees! Then all the plants and vegetables don’t grown because they need rainwater.”

We used clips from BBC Newsround to investigate the extreme weather happening across Europe just now. Many countries who are usually hot countries are experiencing heavy snowfall. We discussed how a country could be prepared or not prepared for such weather.

Following on from our discussion about snow Miss Dunn showed us magic snow we can use in the classroom. It was not cold and did not melt in your hand nut looked just like snow. We followed the instructions to make it and practised writing our names in it.

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We even wrote our own weather forecasts with Miss Lindsay for the rest of the week. We predicted deep, deep snow!




Happy St Andrew’s Day – 30th November 2016

Primary 1 have been investigating St Andrew’s day today through traditional Scots songs, language and stories.


We learned that Scots language is different from our language. Phoebe asked if it had different letters like Hebrew, Miss Dunn explained it was the same letters just in a different order to make different sounds.

We enjoyed hearing Whit the Clockleddy Heard and The Gruffalo’s Wean in Scots. Can you guess what familiar story we know them as?

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We also learned some traditional Scottish children’s songs, such as Three Craws and Ally Bally. Our favourite song was Katie Bairdie.

Click on the link below for the song and lyrics to try at home:


Other learning activities included  collage thistles, Scottish culture Bingo and making a traditional Scottish dinner of Haggis , Neeps and Tatties in the home corner.

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“St Andrew’s Day is when we celebrate Scotland” – Yisrael.

Scottish Book Week

We have been exploring lots of literacy and reading experiences this week as part of Book Week Scotland.

Take a look at some of our favourites:


“I loved going to visit ourlibary in school. We all got to look at lots of books and started our Book Reflections journal.”dsc00861 dsc00862 dsc00864Korin

“My favourite part was having lots of time to be in our book corner, I love the books there. We have been sorting them into the right places. The section on Mog books is one of my favourites.”



“I’ve really liked making words at the tiny teacher board. I pretend I’m the teacher, teaching other people how to read.”


Our Trip to the Library – November 24th 2016

We had such an exciting day today on our class trip to the library!

Katie and Freddie have given this summary of the trip:


“First we got on the bus but it was too small! We needed 29 seats and it only had 22.

After that we sang songs on the bus and really quickly we were in the library.

Gillian from the library showed us around then read us three books.

We are going to vite for our favourite book next week in class, we liked the shark one the best!

At home time we got to take our Book Bug bags home, it was such a good day”

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We even got a mention on the ERC twitter feed!



Book Week Scotland

This week we celebrate Book Week Scotland!

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Every school in Scotland will be taking part in various activities to celebrate literacy and reading.

In our class we have been asked to bring in our favourite book from home to add to our Book Week bag. Each day we will read some of our favourite tales to share our love  of reading. Miss Dunn has asked the teachers to bring in their favourite book as well!

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In Priamry 1 we have been invited to Giffnock Library where we will be gifted our P1 Family Book Bags.  Take a look at the information about this bag below:


Jolly Phonics – complex blends

As we mentioned last week, we will be posting a blending clip each week for you to try at home with your child.

This week we have identified those difficult double sounds as our focus for blending.  Please try blending the sounds in the clip below with your child, remembering to say “say the sounds until you hear the word.”