Category Archives: -My Achievements

JNF donations

img_7815We joined the upper school for a whole school Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday to celebrate the total amount raised for JNF through coin wars, donation boxes and our Tu B’Shevat dress as you please day.

The whole school raised over £400 and each class got a certificate showing that trees h e been planted in Israel in our name.

We were very proud of our fundraising efforts in Primary 1!





Terrific Taskboards

Miss Dunn and P1 have been working as a team to develop the learning environment and ways of organising our learning in Primary 1.

We have looked at changing the layout of our room to one which the children decided, with a more cosy and welcoming book corner and new use of the sand and water trays.

Today we launched a new morning routine and use of terrific task boards in class.

In the morning we now have increased responsibilities to develop our sense of independence. See our morning routine below:

  • Communication folder and water bottle out of bag and into tray
  • Self register at classroom computer
  • Order lunches at interactive whiteboard
  • Collect Sidurim
  • Practice learning and writing our words of the week

Try asking your child about this new routine and how they feel about their new task boards at home!

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What the Candles Saw…

Thank you to all the grown ups who came to see us perform in our show “What the Candles Saw” exploring Chanukah from the candles perspective.

We all had an amazing time and the feedback from our audience was first class – apparently it was even cuter than last year!

Please see the photos below for an individual snapshot of your children in their great costumes!

Coffee Mornings

LB_Summer_Coffee_Morning_Blog_2-582x329This week we hosted a range of Coffee Mornings for parents and carers.

The theme of this week’s coffee mornings was Transitions in a Young Child’s Life.


In an informal setting with coffee, tea and biscuits we discussed the types of events in a young child’s life that can involve transitions and how to best equip both our children and ourselves for this change.

Many parents commented on how they now had a better grasp of what the word transition can mean, involving moving house, welcoming a new family member or developing new friendship groups.

Thanks to all the parents who made it along to the event. Remember to check our parental engagement and involvement booklet for up and coming events.




On Friday our nursery had a special visitor from RSPB Scotland. Our visitor had heard we have been exploring The Gruffalo in our establishment and helped us to further explore some of the animals featured in the book.

We learned all about how owls hunt, where mice live and even got to touch a fox’s tail.




We then moved outside to create our very own Gruffalo house.


















We had lots of fun learning about the real lives of the animals in The Gruffalo. Our visitor was particularly impressed with our knowledge of animals from Forest School sessions, commenting that she had never been to a nursery where the children had so much experience in investigating nature.

A Huge Big Thank You!

The staff at Calderwood Lodge Nursery Class would like to thank the children, parents and carers for their kind and generous gifts at the end of term. We are hoping our work clothes will still fit us after enjoying the delicious gifts that have been handed in!


We look forwards to welcoming you back into nursery on Wednesday 6th January 2016.


Warm wishes and have a restful break from the Nursery Team!

Gingerbread Creations

The children in Calderwood Lodge Nursery class have noticed a lot of special food appearing in shops, houses and on TV at this time of year. 


One of the most exciting items of food we have noticed and wanted to explore further was gingerbread.

Karen introduced us to the story The Gingerbread Man in the book corner and we used musical instruments to add sound effects to the story.

We looked at pictures of gingerbread houses online and the Blue group worked with Nicole to decorate a beautiful gingerbread house.


Miss Dunn also shared a gingerbread recipe and we all got our hands messy mixing the dough and rolling it before using fancy cutters to make our shape. We iced and decorated our gingerbread biscuits in nursery and took them home to eat. We bet the biscuits didn’t make it past the front door before there were only crumbs left to be seen!

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Good Luck Major Tim

Lots of children came to nursery this morning very excited by the news of Tim Peake’s mission to the international space station. Many children had heard about the interesting event on the news with their parents and were eager to discuss this in nursery. What perfect timing for us as we are learning all about space in nursery this planning block.


Miss Dunn showed us news clips and footage of the launch on the interactive whiteboard with many of us counting down to lift off! The children asked for the small world rocket to come back out to explore life on a launch pad. Some children made space shuttles at the arts and craft table and others made rockets using the soft play material.



We wish Major Tim and his crew all the best on their mission to the space station. We are sure many of us will be waving up into the sky to say hello this evening!


The Sad Little Sevivon

The nursery class, primary one and primary two performed our fantastic Chanukah Show ‘The Sad Little Sevivon’. The nursery sang our favourite song Eight Little Candles and gave everyone a wave on their parade around the hall.


‘We were the candles, and we got on fire! But just pretend, that’s what you do in a show’ – Freddie

‘The singing was the most exciting part, lots of singing and the parents said well done’ – Becca

All the nursery staff were very proud of the excellent performances of all the children.
