Vincent Van Gogh

This week we have been exploring the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887


Through his paintings we learned the phrase ‘self portrait’. This is a painting an artist does of themselves. Jasper said this sounded a bit like a selfie that we take nowadays.

Image result for vincent van gogh painting

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Here are some facts we learned:

  • He painted over 900 paintings – Ian
  • He became one of the most famous artist – Korin
  • He was Dutch but moved to France – Isaac
  • No one liked his pictures when he was alive but after he died people really liked them – Joshua
  • He did paintings of the flat he lived in – Noah
  • He painted with bright colours and sunny colours on a big paintbrush – Becca

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait with bandaged earLots of us found out about Vincent Van Gogh’s ear. Nina explained that he had a fight with his friend and chopped his own ear off!