Wednesday 22nd April

Hello primary 5,

Here is your daily plan:

P5 Daily Plan Week 3 Day 3

Here are the resources you’ll need:


choosing-units-and-instruments-length. MILD

reading-and-writing-lengths. HOT

tangram-EXTRA HOT


Grammar there, their, they’re

Other activities:

technology challenges

Enjoy your day,

Miss McLeod, Mrs McArthur and Mr Russell 🙂

Tuesday 21st April

Happy Tuesday primary 5,

Here is today’s daily plan:

P5 Daily Plan Week 3 Day 2


mild Nandos challenge

Hot Nandos challenge

Extra Hot Nandos challenge

Menu for maths chilli challenge:


Answers for mental maths from Monday:

mental maths chilli challenge ANSWERS

Enjoy, we look forward to seeing your lovely work! Thank you for your effort so far p5. Remember day 2 of photo challenge!

Take care,

Miss McLeod, Mrs McArthur and Mr Russell 🙂

Monday 20th April

Hi everyone, welcome back to online learning.

We hope you all had a lovely holiday, yes it’s been unusual circumstances but at least we’ve had some lovely spring weather. We hope that everyone is still staying safe and healthy and we send out our best wishes to you and your families during these uncertain times.

Here is today’s daily plan:

P5 Daily Plan Week 3 Day 1

See resources below:

mental maths chilli challenge

Reading Bingo


Enjoy your day, please use Seesaw to upload any work 🙂

Take care,

Miss McLeod, Mrs McArthur and Mr Russell.

Friday 3rd April Home Learning

Happy Friday Primary 5!!

Please find your task sheet below.

P5 Daily Plan Week 2 Friday

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning at home this week and we wish you a very happy break over the Easter holiday.

Please remember to leave us a voice note on Seesaw to tell us how your week has been.  We love hearing your voices! 🙂

We will be posting your next daily plan week commencing Monday 20th April 2020.

Warm wishes,

Mrs McArthur, Miss McLeod and Mr Russell 🙂

Thursday 2nd April

Hi Primary 5!
Please find your daily plan below.


Below is the dictionary work that you require.

Answers from yesterdays Grammar:



Take good care,
Mrs McArthur, Miss McLeod and Mr Russell 🙂

Wednesday 1st April Work

Hi Primary 5!

Please find your daily plan below.

P5 Daily Plan Week 2 Wednesday

Below are the grammar sheets that you require.

Adverbs used with a Verb

Connectives before after if when worksheet

Take good care,

Mrs McArthur, Miss McLeod and Mr Russell 🙂

Week 2 Monday

Good morning,

I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable weekend. Thanks for all the great work that was submitted last week, I enjoyed reading it all. Keep the good work coming this week but remember there is no need to complete it all… your health and wellbeing comes first.

All of our work this week will be posted on P5a’s blog.

Mr Russell

Week 1 Friday

Hi Everyone,

Hi Everyone, The end of a very different week for lots of us. I hope everyone is doing well and adjusting to life inside a lot. All the P5 teachers have loved seeing some of your work and all the other things you have been doing. Here is the work for Friday, we hope you enjoy completing it. Please try to remember to access your own class blog for the link to Read Theory which is a really good reading website.

Here is the link to the impressionism link too in case you can’t access it through Seesaw. –

Take care
Mr Russell

P5 Day Week 1 day 5

Week 1 Thursday

Good morning everyone,

Here is our daily plan for today. I have attached the Clyde in the classroom sheets here but for Literacy and Numeracy please log into seesaw.

A literacy task today is read theory. P5C pupils should click the following link whilst P5 a and b should follow the links from their own class blogs.

Have a good day everyone!

Take care
Mr Russell

Clyde in the Classroom sheets

P5 Day Week 1 day 4

Day 3 – Learning from home

Hi everyone,

The work for today has already been posted on seesaw last night, I hope you found it there. Today we have PE as our other task with a Joe Wicks workout, remember he is doing workouts every day and you can join in with these if you wish. Mr Tyler is also reading some of Harry Potter each day too which is something else you might want to listen to.

Things might seem strange just now, remember it is alright to feel a bit unsure about all of this. If you feel like that remember to speak to someone at home 🙂

I look forward to seeing some of your work today.

Take care
Mr Russell

week 1 day 3
Extra Hot 3 digit decimals division
Hot 3 digit division game
Mild 2 digit division game

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