Category Archives: Pupils

Open Afternoon

composite-clipart-7ecmkj7tnThe school had an open parents afternoon where parents and guardians could come and do some activities with their children. Primary 1 played math games with the adults, went to the sandpit, showed them around and went on the computer. Primary 2/3 did an activity based on the Rainforest. There was a filming group, sorting group, choosing group, painting group and sorting group it was very fun.  It was nice to have the parents in to our school!

By Rowan P3dscn1917


Welcome Back to all the Pupils and Staff!

DSCN2068Firstly, we would like to wish all the friends and family of Uplawmoor Primary a Happy New Year. The boys and girls are ready and raring to get back to work and start another exciting term at Uplawmoor Primary School.

As always, there is lots going on and the children will be writing their own class blogs which you will be able to find under the ‘Pupils’ tab on the landing page of our website.  This is where you can read about what your child is learning across the curriculum.

The website committee will keep you updated with events and latest news and remember, you can download any letters which have been sent home in the ‘Dates for Diary/Letters Home’ tab, also found on the landing page.


Bye bye Miss Bradley







The staff and pupils of Uplawmoor said a very emotional, yet musical,  farewell to Miss Bradley on Friday.

We’ll miss you so much and you wish you every success in your new role and we can’t wait for you to come and visit us.


Information for Last Day of School – Wednesday 24th June

bagSchool Bags

No school bags should be brought to school on Wednesday.



lunchSchool Lunch

There will be no school lunch or packed lunch on Wednesday.  A snack may be brought to school for the morning interval. All Primary 7 pupils should ensure their lunch accounts are sitting at zero as credit cannot be transferred to high school accounts.


churchChurch Service

The summer church service will take place on Wednesday at 12 noon until 1pm.  School will close at 1pm.  Pupils may be collected from the church.  Please note it is important that pupils are picked up at 1pm as we ask that if you are unable to collect them at this time, you put suitable arrangements into place.


badgeSchool Uniform

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our school uniform which consists of:


Black Blazer with school badge

Grey skirt or trousers (not black)

Red cardigan or jumper

White shirt or blouse/school polo shirt on gym days

Grey and red striped school tie

Black shoes

peFor PE pupils should wear a white t-shirt or school polo shirt and black shorts.  It would be useful if pupils had a pair of trainers which children can wear for gym outdoors or at the tennis courts.


Thank you for your continued support.







Our Primary 6 pupils are working hard to gain their Bikeability qualification.  We have been out on the road with Keith, Callum, Mrs Tait and Miss Bradley to ensure we are riding safely and sensibly.   Our test is coming up soon so if you see us out on the road remember to give us lots of space!

bike 2 bike 3 bike4

Neilson Show Results

A huge well done to team Uplawmoor who once again did us proud at the Neilston Show last weekend.  The Tug O’War team beat some very tough competition to come 2nd place and the relay teams came 2nd and 3rd.

Well done to Innes, Josh, Rob, Adam Niamh, Amy, Tiana, Annabelle, Scott, Christopher, Carly, Abigale, Dean, Josh and Erin.

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P4/5 Micro Tyco – Final Amount!

DSCN1107A huge congratulations to Mrs Orr and P4/5 who have completed their Micro Tyco project and raised an astonishing £1489.67!

The money will be invested by a charity called Wildhearts to help the world’s poorest people work their own way out of poverty with dignity and self respect.

P4/5 would like to say a final thank you to all the friends, staff, pupils and parents who helped us raise such a large sum of money.

Enterprise with P4/5


Primary 4/5  from Uplawmoor are currently taking part in a topic called Micro-Tyco. Micro-Tyco is a challenge where children are given £1 and challenged to grow it into as much money as possible in four weeks.

At the end of the four weeks all the money created by the pupils will be invested by a charity called WildHearts who will provide loans to small businesses in the developing world helping them earn their way out of poverty with dignity.

cinemaSo far we have made door stops, bracelets and wine charms and sold them at the village shop. We are running a weekly tuck shop at school and have planned a movie afternoon on Friday 27th February at the Mure Hall.  The cost of entry is £2.50 and there will be juice and sweets available for the children to buy.  Any child who does not bring money to buy a movie ticket will stay at school with a member of staff. 


We are also running a Skills Auction which will take place in school in the afternoon of 7th March at 2.15pm.  This is where rather than goods people donate time, skills or special treats to attract bids.

Common promises offered are; baby-sitting, car washing, ironing, guitar lessons, dog walking, computer help, aromatherapy session, gardening, painting and decorating or the use of holiday home

The list really is endless. Everyone can do something. If you have a business such as hairdressing, massage, reflexology offering an auction freebie can also be a great way to market your services to a wide audience and gain new customers. If you would like to take part please contact Mrs Orr on with a note of your name and the skill you would be prepared to offer. You do not have to have a child at the school to take part. We would love to involve as many people in the village as possible.

Please help us out as all the money is going to a really worthwhile cause.  The more the merrier!

money pic

P6/7 are called to Glasgow’s High Court!

photo The pursuers and defenders of Primary 6 and 7 were called to court on Monday 26th January in the case of Mrs Telfer vs Talk and Text Communications.   Uplawmoor Primary School took part in the West of Scotland category and were competing against two other Primary Schools in Glasgow.

The children did a wonderful job and representing their clients and have worked so hard to ensure they were prepared for court.  Amongst the children we had witnesses, solicitors, reporters, gown makers and court artists.
A special well done to Niamh who was the defending solicitor and Erin who was the pursuing solicitor.  You both took on a very important (and scary) role and made us all very proud.

This was a once in a lifetime experience for the children and allowed them to apply their learning in a real life context.   We await the results…


P6/7 – ‘Welcome to Uplawmoor’ DVD Sales

Primary 6/7 would like to say a huge THANK YOU to those who have purchased one of our ‘Welcome to Uplawmoor’ DVDs.  As part of our enterprise topic, we decided it would be useful to make a DVD for children who may join our school in the middle of their education.  The DVD gives them an opportunity to meet teachers, children and staff and learn a little about life at Uplawmoor Primary.  We planned, filmed, edited and burned our movie onto disc.  We also used our art and ICT skills to design a front cover and used our literacy skills to write an informative leaflet to accompany the DVD.  In maths, we researched the cost of a tripod and decided on a suitable pricing plan which covered our costs of the blank DVDs and made us a fair profit.

So far we have raised £48 which will go towards buying our own tripod for future filming opportunities.  If you would like to buy one of our DVDs, please put £2 in an envelope with your child’s name clearly written on the front and we will be delighted to provide you with a DVD and a leaflet.

Please note, the DVDs can only be watched on a laptop or computer.

Thank you once again, from P6/7.

P1/2 ‘Special Times’ Party!

All of the pupils were very excited to be invited to a Primary 1/2 party last Thursday afternoon.  Each class received an invitation written and designed by Primary 1/2 and we were delighted to be part of their celebrations which linked with their topic ‘Special Times’.

There was lots of delicious food to eat and a variety of party games.  The Primary 1/2 children selected their own music and we were entertained with dancing, party games, face painting and Wii dancing.

Thank you so much for the invitation Primary 1/2!

Star Pupils and Achievements

We are proud to bring you our Star Pupils for this week.  Each Friday at assembly, every class teacher chooses her Star Pupil for the week.  This could be for being a responsible citizen, a successful learner, an effective contributor or a confident individual.

We also like to recognise special achievements amongst our talented and skilled pupils.  This week Josh and Lauren (P6) shared their special acheivements.  Josh showed us his numerous rosettes which he won for his prized cattle and sheep and Lauren for her superb swimming talents.

Well done to them both and all of our Star Pupils for this week!

Meet and Greet with Kimberley Renicks

All of the pupils of Uplawmoor Primary were lucky enough to meet our fabulous Commonwealth Gold Medalist, Kimberley Renicks.10

The children asked Kimberley lots of questions and found out how she started her career in judo.  Kimberley also told us about her training regime and how she maintains a healthy diet.  We were suprised to hear that she is allowed a sneaky can of Irn Bru or a pizza as a special treat and she only has a take-away once a month!

Thanks for coming to see us Kimberley!

By Lauren Sanders P6

SOLD! At The Farmer’s Market

The gardening committee were busy this morning preparing the vegetables and plants to be sold at the Farmer’s Market which took place today at the church.  They sold potatoes, runner beans, onions, parsley, cabbage, baby aloe vera plants, Christmas cactus and spider plants.

Dean, Josh, Abigale, McKenzie, Miss Dawson-Bowman and Mrs Waters all went to the church and sold almost everything!  The gardening committee made a grand total of £65 pounds which will be used to buy new gardening equipment, seeds, bulbs and plants for future gardening opporutnities.

Well done to the Gardening Committee!