Category Archives: Drama

Adieu, adieu, adieu. Remember me. (Hamlet Act I Scene V)

IMG_0186The children exceeded our expectations this week with their performances of ‘400 Years Dead’ celebrating the life and work of William Shakespeare.  For the past three months, children have been studying the scripts and language of Shakespeare and our thanks go to Zoe Brooks and actors Jenni Green and Charles Donnelly, who have worked tirelessly with the children to bring these stories to life.

Primary 1-3 performed ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’,  Primary 4/5  ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and Primary 6/7 brought Hamlet and MacBeth to the stage.

We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did and we would like to say a huge thank you to Bazooka Arts (Zoe), Jenni and Charlie for their collaboration.  Also to Matt who has been working hard behind the scenes to ensure the staging and setting matched the quality of our of actors and actresses.

If you would like to order a copy of the DVD at £10 please contact the school, if you have not already!

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Whole School Trip to Burns Birthplace Museum

The boys and girls of Uplawmoor enjoyed a trip to Alloway last Tuesday,  to visit the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.

The extensive museum is set in 10 acres of beautiful countryside in Alloway and the site includes a collection of buildings and landmarks that are all connected to the poet’s life, including Burns’ Cottage where he was born in 1759, the Burns Monument and Brig O’ Doon, from his famous poem Tam O’ Shanter.

Look out for our very own young  Robert B….Black!

burns mary burns walk cemetry burns photo 1 photo 4 photo 3 Burns Arrah burns cam Max Burns Dean burns photo 2 burns ryan




P4-7 Performance with Pace Theatre Company

We were lucky enough to take part in a workshop with ‘Pace Theatre Company’ this morning.  Our play was based on being a good person and taught us how to be individual and confident.  The children performed to Primary 1-3 and the staff and parents.  

A big thank you to Pace for coming to spend time with us!

P4/5 Learning Assembly

P4/5 are excited to welcome their parents to their Titanic Assembly on Friday.

The children have been working extremely hard and are looking forward to showcasing their learning to their peers and family. 

“It’s going to be EPIC!”   Matthew Tait, P5

P1/2 ‘Special Times’ Party!

All of the pupils were very excited to be invited to a Primary 1/2 party last Thursday afternoon.  Each class received an invitation written and designed by Primary 1/2 and we were delighted to be part of their celebrations which linked with their topic ‘Special Times’.

There was lots of delicious food to eat and a variety of party games.  The Primary 1/2 children selected their own music and we were entertained with dancing, party games, face painting and Wii dancing.

Thank you so much for the invitation Primary 1/2!

‘Happy Ever After’

The boys and girls are getting extremely excited about our school show which will be taking place on Thursday at 1.45pm and 7pm.  Zoe (and Matt) have given up so much of their precious time this month to rehearse with the children and prepare the costumes, props and staging for our big performance.  We have also received lots of help from Mrs Kee, Mrs McQuaker, Mrs Black and Mrs Sanders who have been busy sewing and stitching this week.

The staff and pupils of Uplawmoor Primary really appreciate the hard work and effort which has gone into creating such a unique and special end of term show.

End of term Show

P4 – 7 have been working on our summer show with Zoe.  The show will take place in the middle of June.  The play is based on several traditional fairy tales which have been re-written by Zoe and the pupils of Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7. 

We have been rehearsing on our stage every Wednesday lunchtime and we will be starting work on our props and staging this week.    The final performance will take place on the 19th June.

We can’t wait!

By Dylan P4

P2/3 Learning Assembly

In our topic we have leaned the difference between fact and opinion. An opinion is a statement that tells what someone thinks while a fact is a true statement. We created a rap song to show our understanding about fact and opinion. We wrote the lyrics and we decided about the dance movements.

 Moreover, this term we learned to debate and support our opinion using powerful arguments. Finally, in our topic we have learned the difference between a ‘want’ and a ‘need’. Wants are things people would like to have. Needs, on the other hand are things people must have to live. Children’s rights are needs. Everyone should respect children’s rights.


By Primary 2/3