Category Archives: Achievement

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming all of our wonderful pupils back to school tomorrow.  Primary 1 parents are welcome to accompany their child into class.  (Informal entry is 8.55am).

Early to bed tonight everyone!

Neilston Show

A huge well done to Team Uplawmoor who represented our school at the annual Neilston Show.  They have trained hard in tug and relay over the past few weeks and we are proud of their positive attitude towards their training.

A special congratulations to the girls relay team (Carly, Toni,  Ashley, Mia, Mary- sub) who came first!  What a wonderful achievement.


P2/3 Assembly

img_3175Thank you to the parents and families who came to spend the afternoon with P2/3 learning about the Rights of the Child.  Also, a big thank you to Mr Frame who came to talk to the pupils about the project he is working on to provide more sustainable energy to the people of Africa.

We also celebrated Max, Mhairi, Mikey and Sophie who all earned a brick for our skills for life, learning and work wall.

The pupil council spoke to the audience about their all day dodgeball event which the media committee will be promoting and Zara spoke of P4/5’s success in a writing competition.  More details to follow!

Building our Bricks


Our Skills wall for Learning, Life and Work is increasing monthly with the pupils working hard to earn bricks.  This month, we say a big ‘well done’ to Oliver, Brodie, Eva and Matthew who have been building their skills in problem solving, independent learning and have shown good manners and a responsible attitude.  Keep up the good work.

House Challenge

Everyone worked hard in their houses this afternoon taking part in the first House Challenge of the session.  The Challenge set was to design and build a Hallowe’en themed Scarecrow.  All houses were given the same resources in their Challenge Box but as you can see, all came up with very different designs.  House Captains led thier houses well and commented on the teamwork and problem solving skills demonstrated by their members.  A great effort by all.  The winners today were Caldwell with 50 points.  pf_1476390225

Oliver Curle – Competition Finalist

ocA huge congratulations to our very own Primary 1 pupil, Oliver Curle, who has been chosen as a finalist in MacTaggart and Mickel Homes’ Swimmer drawing competition.  They were extremely impressed with his artwork which was ‘colourful and well designed’.  Champion swimmer Mark Deans, who came to visit the children, will now look at the finalists’ artwork from ourselves, Mearns Primary and Howwood Primary and decide on an overall winner.  The winning school will receive £100 in sports vouchers.  Good luck to all the finalists and we will keep you posted on Oliver’s entry!oliver-curle-2

Mark Deans – Scottish Open Water Swimmer

uplawmoor-38-2 uplawmoor-13-2 uplawmoor-24-2 uplawmoor-26-2The boys and girls were lucky enough to meet Mark Deans, who is a Scottish Open Water swimmer.    He talked to the boys and girls about his time in Australia where he was training for 3 months.  He said he preferred it to being in a pool as it was more challenging and exciting.  He told the children he even saw a shark during this training!

Mark has a true love for water if he’s not swimming you’ll find him by the sea kite surfing which is his favourite sporting activity (apart from swimming obviously)!



Introducing Primary 1!

DSCN3461We are thrilled to bits with the progress Primary 1 are making at Uplawmoor Primary School.  They now know their way around the school and have been busy establishing class rules and learning about life as an Uplawmoor Primary School pupil.  Welcome to each and every one of you!

The End of Another Year

Well we are nearly at the end of another year! The staff and children have had another busy year and there have been lots of memories made during the last 11 months.  We have welcomed some new pupils and said ‘keep in touch!’ to others.  We have also waved a sad farewell to Miss Dawson-Bowman, Mrs Roy and of course, Miss Bradley.

The staff would like to wish all the pupils and their families a fantastic summer break and we look forward to seeing lots of familiar (and new!) faces on Monday 15th August 2016.

We hope to see you at the Church tomorrow for our ‘Achievements Celebration’ which will be our final, fond farewell to our Primary 7s.

The service will start at 12 o’clock (no lunches in school tomorrow).

Happy Holidays everyone!  Here are some highlights from 2015/2016!

imageclassDSCN2378legoIMG_7860IMG_8141DSC00100PicEva Harvey Emily LeitchIMG_9169

Sponsored Run – Total

DSC00271A huge well done to all the pupils of Uplawmoor Primary who, completed their sponsored run during health week and raised a wonderful £1051.96!

This money will go to Save the Children which will make a huge difference to children who are not as fortunate as us.

Well done team Uplawmoor!

P7 Leavers Dinner

Our Primary 7s enjoyed their last supper as Uplawmoor Pupils at the Canny Man tonight. Thank you to the Uplawmoor Parent fundraising group who kindly paid for our dinner which we all thoroughly enjoyed.

Mrs McKay and I had a lovely evening with a fantastic group of children (who were polite and as chatty as ever!)

We’ll miss you P7!imageimageimage
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Uplawmoor Gala Day Design Competition

Thank you to Sheila and Lorna who came to Uplawmoor Primary today to judge the Uplawmoor Gala Day art competition.

After much deliberation, the judges chose Mhairi Carslaw’s design as the winning image and her artwork will feature on the front cover of the program.

The brief was to incorporate the theme of Shakespeare, so Mhairi (Primary 5) decided draw a portrait of William Shakespeare himself.

The Gala Day,  will be on Saturday 11th June from 1pm – 4pm and there will be lots of fun and games!  The program costs £2 which will go towards our school fund.

Congratulations Mhairi and we look forward to buying your program this week!
