The End of Another Year

Well we are nearly at the end of another year! The staff and children have had another busy year and there have been lots of memories made during the last 11 months.  We have welcomed some new pupils and said ‘keep in touch!’ to others.  We have also waved a sad farewell to Miss Dawson-Bowman, Mrs Roy and of course, Miss Bradley.

The staff would like to wish all the pupils and their families a fantastic summer break and we look forward to seeing lots of familiar (and new!) faces on Monday 15th August 2016.

We hope to see you at the Church tomorrow for our ‘Achievements Celebration’ which will be our final, fond farewell to our Primary 7s.

The service will start at 12 o’clock (no lunches in school tomorrow).

Happy Holidays everyone!  Here are some highlights from 2015/2016!

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