East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure’s Summer holiday activity 2017 programme is now available for booking. To view all of the activities, please click here.
May Newsletter
Please click link below to read the newsletter for May:
Microsoft Apps
Download Microsoft Office Apps for Free
Glow Users can now download for free the Microsoft Office 2016 apps on up to 15 personal devices; up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and 5 phones. Making these apps available helps Glow users take full advantage of the opportunities these tools offer. The Office apps which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote provide a learning platform that extends beyond school and into the world of work.
To download the Office 2016 apps, log in to Glow and either click on the ‘Download Office Now’ tile or go to the ‘Office 365 Home’ tile and once in Office 365, click on “Install Office 2016” at the top right of the page.
ERA Support Groups and Woskhops in April and May 2017
Information from ERA Group
We have a very busy and exciting selection of guest speakers and events coming up in upcoming months, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you along-
- We are very excited to be hosting a full day workshop from Tori Chamberlain- The Girl With the Curly Hair Project. The workshop will focus mainly on ASD and Anxiety (10 am-1230 pm) and Autism meltdowns and shutdowns (1-330 pm) on Tuesday the 18th on April, venue is The ARC, 64 Aurs Road, Barrhead, G78 2LW
This is a ticketed event, tickets are available for purchase on event brite or from The Girl With the Curly Hair Project’s website – I have attached a poster for your interest.
The Girl With the Curly Hair Project is keen to explain that most of the information covered will be relevant to both men and women on the Autistic Spectrum.
- We are also very pleased to confirm that in addition to this workshop, we will be holding a Parent Support meeting on Friday the 28th April, 0930-1230 which will be held at The Museum on Barrhead Main Street.
Our guest speaker at this session will be Alana MacDonald whois a specialist in dietetics and sensory behaviors surrounding this, she is hoping to be able to have a short question and answer session after her talk.
TBC– also at this session, there will be a focus group which will be facilitated by a family, who plan to open a soft play in the local area, focusing on children with additional support needs and their families.
They would really appreciate hearing from families and carers, and would be able to take on board and put into practice any feedback received.
Come along for a cuppa and a chat with other families.
- 16th May 2017, Sandlers Cottage, east Renfrewshire Carer’s Centre, 7pm-9pm
We will be hosting a consultation, for families/carers of individual’s with complex additional support needs.
We really look forward to receiving input from these families and individuals, we would like to hear about what you would like to see in East Renfrewshire, is there any way ERA maybe able to help , is there any information we could share, is there any adaptions we could make to current groups to make these more accessible for all.
Also a great opportunity for a chance to have a chat with other families.
P3 Movie Afternoon in aid of the the Sea Life Trust
P3 recently held a movie afternoon in aid of the Sea Life Trust as part of the their IDL study on Global Goal- Life Below Water! See link for certificate and thank you letter. Well done Primary 3!
St Thomas’ School 28.03.2017 (3)
Children will be bringing home the letter accessed through link below, today. We really want to get the views of as many families as possible. Please write your child/ children’s name and class on sheet and return to school by Friday 31st March. Many thanks for your continued support!
Parent Council/PTA Facebook Page
Please see link below to our Parent Council/PTA facebook page. This is a closed group and all comments are moderated. The purpose of the page is to promote events and share information, not to discuss any individual issues. Many thanks.
Head Lice
There is now no need to go to your doctor for a prescription for head lice treatment. The same service is now available from Lloyds Pharmacy of 176 Main Street, Barrhead. If you suspect that a family member(s) has head lice, first pop into the Pharmacy, collect a FREE special detector comb and follow the simple instructions in the leaflet you will be given, which tells you how to collect samples and bring them to the pharmacy. All family members should be checked at the same time.
If you do not find living, moving lice on the scalp, you do not have head lice and you do not need treatment, even if nits are stuck to the hair shafts. Nits are not head lice, only empty shells. On returning to the Pharmacy the pharmacist or trained assistant will check the sample and if it is positive for head lice, supply treatment and advice. If the patient is exempt from NHS prescription charges, no charge will be made; otherwise a standard NHS prescription charge applies.
REMEMBER The best way to stop infection is to comb the hair well twice a day with an ordinary comb and check damp hair at least once a week.
Pedalwise ER cycling festival in Rouken Glen
Please click here to read poster advertising Spring Cycle Festival on Saturday at Rouken Glen.
Spring Holiday Activities 2017
Please click here to see holiday activities available through ERC Culture and Leisure.