Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remembrance Ceremony Saturday 7th November

Remebrance Day Please see below an invitation from Councillor O’Kane

In advance of Remembrance this year we are looking for St Thomas’ Pupils to participate in events marking the new memorial.  We will  be dedicating the memorial on Saturday 7th November at 2.30pm and we were hoping that Neilston and St Thomas’ would play a part in the ceremony.  We would be delighted if as many pupils as possible would attend on the day.  In addition, we will also have our annual wreath laying on the Sunday 8th at 12.30pm at the memorial, where a St Thomas’ pupil will be bringing a wreath to lay.

We would be delighted if you could make it along on Saturday.
Councillor Paul O’Kane

Convoy to Calais

“The East Renfrewshire Convoy to Calais leaves this Thursday at 8pm from the car park of ER Council HQ in Eastwood Park, Giffnock. They are taking the largest single donation from anywhere in Scotland.  Schools and nurseries from all over East Renfrewshire responded with overwhelming generosity to the appeal.  All parents, children and staff are invited to be there for the send-off. The convoy organisers want to give the families who contributed the opportunity to see their donations leave, and to send the convoy off in style. We hope you can join us.”

From Councillor Waters 

Parent / Carer Survey

Education Services department have created a short survey for parents/carers which they hope will capture your views on both preferred methods of general (administration type) communications with schools/pre-five establishments and also your thoughts on the online payment solution.

We would appreciate it if you could follow this link and complete the survey:

Assessment and Reporting Information Evening 21.10.15

Tomorrow’s Information Evening will provide parents/carers with relevant information on assessment and reporting formats.  This session is a repeat of last year’s session and the same information will be provided.  This evening is suited most to parents new to the school and those who could not attend last year, although as always, all parents/carers are welcome to attend.  Information leaflets are available on our website.  The session will start at 6.30pm.

Researching Rouken Glen Park

One Day Research Workshop – Thursday 22 October, 10 am – 4 pm

Have you ever wondered about the background history of Rouken Glen?  Have you ever seen an old photograph of the park and wondered where it might be or if any buildings or structures still survive?

This short session will introduce key themes of how to research Rouken Glen – putting old photographs and oral histories into context, by studying old maps, aerial photographs and looking at the National Monument Record.  We will help you develop research skills, ask analytical questions of historical sources and how to collate and present your results.  We will also help you think about where you might like to go next with your research.

Delivered by Archaeology Scotland, this workshop will help you learn more about the park and show you what to do with the information you have uncovered.  We will provide all the equipment – you just need to turn up!  Booking required.

Historical Research Workshops
Monday 2 – Friday 6 November

 Free Workshops – all workshops are from 10am to 4pm.  Attend one or as many as you want.

The outcome of these workshops is to have two exhibitions (Rouken Glen Archaeology Exhibition and Rouken Glen Photography Then and Now) and two booklets Rouken Glen Park History and Rouken Glen Archaeology Report.

Whether you have had previous involvement in this project or are just interested in learning about the skills required in archiving material and putting together an exhibition – come along and try something new.




2 Nov

10 am – 4 pm


Then and Now Exhibition

(Elaine Livingstone)


Different display techniques for the old Rouken Glen Photographs and the new comparison photographs



3 Nov

10 am – 4 pm


Field survey (practical workshop)


Final record of site (photography, site survey with EDM/GPS)



4 Nov

10 am – 4 pm

History Research Preparation

(Mairi Sutherland)

Editorial guidance on preparation of material for publication, dealing with illustrations and captions, and guidance on style, consistency, etc.



5 Nov

10 am – 4 pm

Archaeology Exhibition Workshop


Site tour and Discussion


Site discussion and summary of results



Content discussion for exhibition


More in depth overview of site investigated.


Discussion of the results of the excavation and interpretation of the site. Link to history


Discussion and input into final exhibition (participants to suggest material for inclusion into the exhibition).



6 Nov

10 am – 4 pm

Booklet and Exhibition Preparation

Collating all material produced in the previous workshops

(work day)

Collate information from archaeological investigation.


Create leaflets/posters/information using computers.


Write up outcomes for exhibition purposes.


Choose photographs/artefacts to display.

To book places on these workshops, please contact:

Liz, Activity Project Officer – Rouken Glen Park          Tel – 0141- 577 3912     Email:

School Uniform

If you are needing to buy school uniform, ‘Schoolwear Made Easy’ have made it very easy to order online:

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Badged School Uniform’
  • Choose the correct initial (‘S’ for St Thomas’)
  • Search for St Thomas’ logo and click
  • Choose the products/sizes you want and ‘Add to cart’
  • Delivery should be approximately 7 days

A representative from ‘Schoolwear Made Easy’ will be along on our Parents’ Evening on Thursday 12th November from 3 – 5pm to take any orders and to help with sizing.

Schoolwear made easy