Tag Archives: schoolshow

What about us?

Tickets are still on sale from the school office for the show next week Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th June – £3. The songs of Lily Allen, Kings of Leon, Take that and Michael Buble help tell the story of a school facing closure – there is romance and comedy along the way with the “priority girls” making life difficult and star turns from Mr McGlynn and Miss Cartledge.

“What about us?”

Rehearsals are going well for his years show; a Mearns Castle first with it being written for the pupils. As always the cast and crew are working hard every Monday night to put on a special performance. All year groups are represented S1-S6 and this year more staff members are sharing their talents!

It is a modern day story of life in education, growing up, falling in love and conquering evil – all with some well know and loved songs. The songs of Queen, Bob Dylan, Kings of Leon, Lily Allen, Madonna, Michael Buble, Take That, Elton John, Bruno Marrs and Jessie J all help tell the story.

“What about us?” will be performed on Wednesday 13th and Thursday14th June in the main theatre. Tickets will be on sale at the school office from the 14th May.