Tag Archives: information

S3-6 Immunisations

Just a reminder to all S3-6 pupils that immunisations will take place on Monday 29th February and Tuesday 1st March.  S3-6 pupils will be receiving the MeningitisACWY immunisation and S3 pupils will also receive their Diphtheria/Tetanus/Diphtheria immunisations.  Details about the arrangements, including  specific times for your immunisations, are on year-group noticeboards.

Any pupils from S1-6 who missed their HPV or DTP immunisations previously will also receive them on Monday 29th February.

If you are receiving a vaccination, please remember to have breakfast before coming to school and to wear a vest or t-shirt under your school shirt.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Miss McLachlan as soon as possible.

Supporting Your Child’s Career Choices

A special event for parents of secondary school pupils is being staged in Glasgow as part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week.

Recognising the vital role parents play in supporting their sons and daughters in their career choices, the Parent Event aims to:

  • Provide parents with the most up-to-date career education information available to young people
  • Direct parents to resources available in supporting career education at home, helping young people to make positive, well-informed career choices
  • Highlight choices available to young people, including Apprenticeships and Foundation Apprenticeships, the latter of which can be taken at school.

The Parent Event will take place on:  Tuesday 1st March 2016 from 10am-12pm (registration from 9.45am) at Morgan Stanley, The Cerium Building, 55 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NP.

Register to attend at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/saw-parent-careers-education-event-tickets-21628582673

This Parent Event is organised by Glasgow Economic Leadership in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Qualifications Authority and National Parents Forum Scotland.

West College Scotland – Vocational Information Evening

West College Scotland are holding a School Vocational Programme Information Evening for pupils and parents on Tuesday 19th January 2016 from 6-8pm.

Further information will be given about vocational courses for 2016/17 at S4 and S5 assemblies next week and the Options Evenings.  However, if you are interested in any of the following courses, it would be helpful for you to attend the information evening to find out more about the course content, qualifications and future progression routes.

  • Automotive Skills
  • Cake Decoration
  • Computer Games
  • Construction Crafts
  • Human Body Structure and Function
  • Professional Cookery
  • Vehicle Maintenance

To find out more information, please click here.