Tag Archives: information

East Renfrewshire Focus Group – Mearns Castle High, 29th April

A National Parent Forum focus group to take place in East Renfrewshire.

The focus group will seek parents views on CfE , its implementation and ongoing development not just in East Renfrewshire but in other areas and parents from outwith East Renfrewshire will also be attending.

The focus group takes place this Wednesday in Mearns Castle High at 7pm.

CfE aims to achieve a transformation in education by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum, assessment and qualifications system from 3 to 18.

The introduction of new qualifications  is part of this, with the aim of reflecting the new style of learning, which places an emphasis on skills and knowledge and tests the understanding and application of knowledge as well as facts.

We would like to hear whether you as a parent feel that CfE is achieving these ambitions for you as a parent and for your children as they embark on their CfE journey.

We will feedback this parental perspective at all discussions surrounding education at a National Policy level, including the CfE Management Board, and hope that it will provide information to feed into the OECD report.

If you’d like to book a place, or would like more information, please contact our East Renfrewshire rep Joe McLachlan east.renfrewshire@npfs.org.uk  Travel expenses can be reimbursed.


Scottish Schools Team Swimming Championships

Any pupil who would be interested in competing in the Scottish Schools Team Swimming Championships MUST attend a short meeting with Mr Murphy on Tuesday 5th May in the Old Gym at interval.

The Championships are due to take place on WEDNESDAY 17TH JUNE 2015. These will be held in TOLLCROSS LEISURE CENTRE.

All relays will be 4x50m.

Swimmers may compete in the Freestyle and/or Medley events for their own school year.

Carnegie Book Group

The first meeting of the Carnegie Book Group will be on Thursday 30th April at lunchtime at 12.40pm in the library.

All pupils who have put their names down to join the book group should come along and choose their first book and get details from Miss McEachern.

There is still time to join the book group…it is open to all pupils from all year groups…simply see Miss McEachern to join or come along on Thursday at 12.40pm.

Please feel free to bring your lunch.

Happy Reading

“Free Your Feet” S1 – S3 pupils.

During week beginning 5th May 2015 “Free your Feet” a week long whole school event which encourages all S1-S3 pupils to make walking part of his/her mode of transport to and from school will take place.

All pupils are encouraged to take part and can do so by:

  • walking the whole way to and from school.
  • walking to and from the bus stop.
  • walking from the drop off point in the car park at Broom shops.

If every pupil participates in some way we hope that together we will:

  • raise awareness of the health benefits of regular exercise as part every day life.
  • reduce traffic congestion and increase pupil safety.
  • make a contribution to improving the environment by reducing pollution.

What is going to happen?

Friday the 1st of May 2015 – you will be given a card to record the number of minutes you walk each day of the week to and from school.

Friday the 8th of May 2015 – get a parent/ guardian to check and sign your card.

Monday 11th May 2015 – post your completed and signed card in your House Box at the main entrance.

What happens then?

  • 10 House points will be awarded for every completed card.

S5 pupils only

Any S5 pupil who is considering a career in Medicine, Nursing or Life Sciences should meet with Mr Cairney on Thursday 23rd at the start of morning interval in the Pupil Support office.

Any S5 pupil who is considering applying for a course in Sciences or Engineering at Glasgow, Edinburgh, Oxford or Cambridge University should meet with Mr Cairney on Thursday 23rd at the start of morning interval in the Pupil Support office.

Any S5 pupil who is interested in applying for a university course in  Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Laboratory work , Radiology  as well as Bio-engineering from Strathclyde University should meet with Mr Cairney on Thursday 23rd at the start of morning interval in the pupil support office.