Tag Archives: extraCurricular

School Chess Club

If you are interested in joining a new school chess club, please come along to a meeting in Room F7 at 12.30pm on Thursday 4/10/12.

We are looking for beginners as well as more advanced players.  The Glasgow Secondary Chess League starts very soon and we would like to enter teams from Mearns Castle to compete against schools from all across Glasgow during the coming year.

The competition categories are:

Junior team — a team of four S1 and S2 pupils

Intermediate team — a team of four S3 and S4 pupils

Senior team — a team of four S5 and S6 pupils

Please come to Room F7 Thursday lunchtime for more details.

Jewish Lunch Club

The Jewish Lunch Club will meet for the first time this year on Wednesday 12 September in room D3 at 12.20pm.

Rabbi Gross will come for a chat in advance of the Rosh Hashanah celebrations and will provide a delicious lunch.

Make sure you don’t miss this friendly event, whatever year group you are in!

For more information, ask Madame Naddell in D2.

School Magazine

Mr McGarry and Mr Phillips are going to start a Science and Technology school magazine.

This will be a great opportunity to write articles on areas of Science and Technology that you are interested in.  You can decide on how it looks and on the articles you wish to add.  You could carry out interviews, use questionnaires and make the magazine a really rewarding experience.

The magazine will be published three times a year and will hopefully be entered into the Bill Bryson Award for Science and Technology.

If you are interested speak with Mr McGarry or Mr Phillips.