Tag Archives: event

London 2013

After a highly successful London Theatre trip in June this year, Miss Borland is now in a position to offer a London Theatre Trip for June 2013. The trip will be packed full of London tourist activities as well as two West End Performances of Musicals.

Initially this trip is open to pupils in S4-S6 who are on colour.  If you are interested please collect an information letter from Miss Borland in the music department ASAP.  Places are limited to 40 so you must hurry!

S2 ECO Event Thursday 11th October

The S2 Eco Event is fast approaching!  In order for the event to be a success we rely on pupils to collect recyclable materials which will be used on the day.

Could pupils start to bring in recyclable materials to Mr Wyroslawski in D18.  There are points available for the houses that bring in the most stuff!

The more unusual the better but please ensure all plastics are washed first. ANYTHING THAT COULD BE RECYCLED IS ACCEPTED.

When you contribute you will be awarded with a tally mark on the Snow Leopard Salvage Screen… the house with the most tally marks may even be rewarded with a baby snow leopard.

Charities Week

Charities Week is just 3 school weeks away !! Time to get cracking if you want to be involved !!

If you would like to mount an activity such as Cake Baking, Henna Painting, Mastermind, X-Box workshop . . .  anything which would make some money for Charities week  –  go to see Ms Hamilton (Business Studies) or Miss Khan (Maths) and get an application form from them.  If you just want to discuss your ideas with them then go to see them this week.

If you want to perform in one of the lunchtime shows, go to see Mr O’Donnell (Maths).  He will give you an application form.

This week is the time to do this – don’t leave it until it is too late.  Get your application forms, fill them out and return them as soon as possible.