Tag Archives: Curriculum

S4/5 Options Information Evening

Mr Phillips and Ms O’Donnell have sent home a letter inviting fourth and fifth year parents and carers to an Options Information Evening which will take place on Monday 2nd February.  

The evening will take the form of a presentation covering the choices which require to be made by pupils as they progress into S5/S6, the support offered by the school in making these choices and the nature of the S5/S6 curriculum.

Click here to read the letter.

S4,S5/6 SQA Art and Design Work (Int 2 and Higher)

Last chance for S4,S5/6 to buy their artwork back from SQA.

Payment details are on school website, click PAYS and it will lead you through the progress. 

Mrs Lightbown has printed off the pupils who have already paid. It is pinned on the art noticeboard.

Please check your name is on it if you have paid.  If your name is not on the list the SQA will dispose with your work.