Tag Archives: art

Art & Design Trip to Millport

The Art Department organised a weekend long trip to Millport for S5 and S6 pupils.  Whilst there, pupils had the opportunity to work in a studio environment and were able to explore a variety of printing techniques.  The weekend was a huge success.  Well done to all pupils involved.


Creative Star Exhibition

In November, the Design Faculty held their annual Creative Star Exhibition, featuring pupil work from S1 – S6. Pupils received awards for outstanding quality of work as well as excellent exam results. The night was a huge success. The Design Faculty would like to take this opportunity to thank parents and pupils for continuing to support both the Technical and Art Departments.




Art Competition for Young People 2014

The art and design department recently took part in a drawing competition which is held annually at Kelvingrove museum. Every pupil in S3 art classes took part and spent 3 hours drawing any of the exhibits in the museum. Three of our pupils were successful. Well Done

 The following three pupils will receive a highly commended certificate. Congratulations to

  • Rory Pryde
  • Helen Stout
  • Anna Maria Lopez Ruiz

The winning art work will be published on Glasgow Life Museums website with the pupil’s first name, school name and school year level

S4,S5/6 SQA Art and Design Work (Int 2 and Higher)

Last chance for S4,S5/6 to buy their artwork back from SQA.

Payment details are on school website, click PAYS and it will lead you through the progress. 

Mrs Lightbown has printed off the pupils who have already paid. It is pinned on the art noticeboard.

Please check your name is on it if you have paid.  If your name is not on the list the SQA will dispose with your work.

Cartoon / animation artists needed!!!

If you would be interested in designing cartoon characters which will be used for animation and video purposes for Primary Language teaching please see Mrs Nicklin as soon as possible in Modern Languages (D11).

I am looking for 4 characters to be drawn and then they will come alive and be animated to make German language videos for Primary School pupils in East Renfrewshire. The design of the characters can be your own ideas!