Charities Week

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the two evenings of Look Back in Laughter last week.  Thanks also to those who bought tickets and came along to support our charity fundraising.

As a result of all our activities this year, we have raised the magnificent sum of £7,550.56, which is some £800 more than last year’s total and the highest amount raised in Charities Week since 2008.  So well done to everyone.

Balloon Race

You’ve Bought the Balloon. Now See it Set Off on its Journey!

The release of the balloons for the Mearns Castle High School annual Balloon Race will take place on Friday 25th Nov at the top of the steps behind the school at 12.45pm.

If you have bought a ticket then come wish your balloon well as it sets off on its journey into the unknown! Even if you haven’t bought a ticket, come take part in the Big Countdown and then watch the awesome sight of 500 balloons being released into the sky.

Remember if your Balloon is found furthest from the school it will be you that is flying “Up, Up and Away” with 2 return tickets to one of the fantastic destinations courtesy of British Airways.

East Renfrewshire Council

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