Category Archives: S6

Individual School Photographs Reminder

Gillman & Soame took S1, S3, S5 & S6 portrait photographs at the start of term. If you haven’t already, please order these photographs as soon as possible (but by Friday 26th November if you would like them for Christmas). If details have been mislaid, please contact Gillman & Soame directly at or on 01869 328200 quoting the security password mearnscastle749pnrtw2021 and they can assist.

School Lectures in Medicine at Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

For any pupils in S4, S5, S6 who are interested in pursuing a Medical career. These lectures are free.

This year, due to Government guidance on Covid-19 and for everyone’s health and safety, our lectures will be online.

There will be three lectures this year, two of which students will have an opportunity to ask questions beforehand. The most frequently asked questions will be allocated to one of our speakers to answer.

Please click on the links below to register for any or all of the lectures you would like. By doing so, we can keep you updated on any changes, how to access all Lectures and also ensure you have the opportunity to ask questions on Lectures 2 & 3.

Available from 29 September 2020 from 7pm

This lecture features the key speakers and will focus on how to prepare best for application to medical school, including personal statements and work experience opportunities.

Available from 15 October 2020 from 7pm

Dr Adelina McLeod, Chair of the College’s Trainees and Members’ Committee will lead this lecture and there will be an opportunity to ask questions ahead of this lecture.

Available from 3 November 2020 from 7pm

Professor Kenneth Boyd, Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Edinburgh together with Consultants in Psychiatry, Acute Medicine & Obstetrics & Gynaecology will explore some of the challenging moral and ethical decisions taken by doctors today.

S6 Young Enterprise Scotland Sign Up

Any S6 student who is interested in participating in the Young Enterprise Programme for the coming session should join the Young Enterprise 2020-21 Microsoft Team using the joining code wxue8fs. Here I will provide further information on the programme and some of the benefits you can expect to gain from participating as well as answering any questions you may have about the programme.

Primarily the Young Enterprise scheme will involve you working as a member of a group to form a business, devise a business idea and then put it into practice – dealing with the challenges of running a business on an ongoing basis. The team are supported and guided through the process by Mrs Hamilton (Business Education) and an external Business Advisor.

The programme for the coming year will primarily, at least initially, be operated using remote operations to attend events etc. This is quite different to the way we are used to working, but as you are getting used to, it’s the way many things have to run just now.

If you intend to sign up, please note this requires real commitment from the team, for the vast majority of the coming year. Meetings will be arranged for after school – either in person or remotely, as you can appreciate this is an ever-evolving situation.

interested in a career in Law?

CMS webinars

We are delighted to be working with Career Ready to provide three skills-based webinars next week open to all S3, S4, S5 and S6 pupils

  • Effective communication & networking (15 June).
  • Success at interviews (16 June).
  • Preparing for work placements (18 June).
  • Insight into Life at a law firm (17 June) .

The attached pdf contains further information and links to register.
CMS webinars – June 2020

CMS Law Scholarships
At CMS we believe that a career in law should be open to everyone with the right talents. Since 2012, our Scholarships scheme has been helping S5/S6 students onto the path to the legal profession by providing financial support, mentoring support and paid work experience to students from across the UK.

To be considered for a Scholarship, students will need to enter our essay-writing competition which opens on Monday 15 June 2020 and closes on Wednesday 22 July 2020. You can find full details of the scheme and how to apply on our website.

Female students in S4-S6 – Morgan Stanley Event

Morgan Stanley are offering Technology Step In, Step Up 2020 event.

Designed for female students in S4-S6 who have an interest in finding out more about the programmes offered in the Technology division of Morgan Stanley in Glasgow – interactive challenges, panel sessions and various graduate opportunities. Please see flyer for all the key dates and deadlines.

Technology Step In, Step Up – Applications Open

Head Boy/Head Girl Application Form

Dear S6

I hope this email finds you and your families well and settling into your new courses and on-line learning.  As I have said previously, S6 is an exciting year with lots of opportunities for you to take on additional responsibilities and enhance your personal skills and qualities. I am really impressed by the number of you who have already signed up to different aspects of Community Involvement, Buddying, Mentoring, and the Academic Family. In addition to these opportunities, a number of you have been asking about the applications process for Head Boy and Head Girl.

As with everything else at the moment, we want to keep these traditions going, but we will just have to manage them in a slightly different way: I have attached a link to the application form to be filled in by anyone who is interested in the main Pupil Leadership Roles – Head Boy/Girl. As a first step, those interested should complete this form by Friday 5 June. All applicants will then be asked to submit a video outlining your reason for putting yourself forward and information on what you will bring to the role (further details to follow). The video should be no more than four minutes in length and will be in lieu of you making a speech to the year group. Please wear uniform in the video.

Your application form and video should give a clear indication of your commitment to the school and to Sixth Year and will be shared with the year group and school staff for voting purposes.

Based on application forms, speeches and votes from staff and pupils; candidates will then be selected for interview. As I have said, I have been really impressed by your engagement and willingness to become involved in these wider school activities and I now look forward to receiving you applications for Head Boy and Head Girl.

Please access the Form below by using your Glow email address.
application form

Best wishes
Mrs. Mitchell

UCAS entry 2021 (new S6 pupils)

For the attention of pupils applying for UCAS entry 2021 (new S6 pupils)

June is always a busy month for the UK Student Recruitment team at the University of Glasgow and this year is no exception despite the very different circumstances. We will miss meeting senior pupils at UCAS fairs and school events across the UK but are looking forward to engaging with students who are exploring their 2021 UCAS options in the virtual world – see below.

Science and Engineering Faculty Fair, 3 June, 1-3pm

UK University Search Virtual Fair, 17 June, 12 -6pm